Cantabria, Spain

Teamer in 10 Groups

Contributes every month: €9 to 9 Groups

Since 20-09-2022 has contributed €148

Groups supported


€17,436 Raised

224 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/09/2022

ProGat Sabadell

PROGAT SBD és una associació sense ànim de lucre que des del 1999 es dedica a la protecció del gat de carrer, a l'esterilització de colònies urbanes i a promoure e informar sobre els beneficis del sistema CES. PROGAT SBD es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que desde 1999 se dedica a la protección del gato callejero, a la esterilización de colonias urbanas así como a promover e informar sobre los beneficios del sistema CES (captura, esterilización y suelta)

€87,508 Raised

1,189 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/09/2022


Juegaterapia es una Fundación formada con un único objetivo: hacer más llevadera la vida de los niños en los hospitales. Recogemos todo tipo de consolas y videojuegos usados y los distribuimos en las zonas de oncología infantil de hospitales de toda España. Juegaterapia lleva a cabo una iniciativa pionera en España que recupera las azoteas en desuso de los hospitales y las convierte en jardines para que todos los niños ingresados puedan jugar al aire libre en un entorno verde y lúdico.

€69,293 Raised

1,325 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/09/2022

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center

The SJD Pediatric Center is the first monographic centre for paediatric oncology in Spain (2nd in Europe). 70% of the centre is devoted to care and 30% to research. It has the capacity to care for 400 children and youngsters. Its spaces are designed with the emotional well-being of the children and their families in mind. Our aim is that the children have more options to overcome cancer with less after-effects. Your euro helps to carry out the humanisation programmes and new treatments. Will you join us?

€153,863 Raised

1,664 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/09/2022

Welfare flats - Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation

Did you know that 5,000 people get sick with leukaemia each year in Spain, which is the most common childhood cancer, and that despite the progress made, we still lose one in four minors and half of adults? At the Josep Carreras Foundation we have been working for more than 30 years to make leukaemia a 100% curable disease, to find 100% compatible donors for everyone, and to make displaced patients feel at home. With your help, we are unstoppable.

€64,651 Raised

919 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/09/2022

Wear your wings for the Butterfly Children

Can you imagine being afraid to hug your child? This is how the parents of Butterfly Children feel. A rare and incurable condition, which causes the skin to break with the slightest touch. DEBRA-BUTTERFLY CHILDREN CHARITY works to improve their quality of life. By joining this group you are giving them wings.

€54,055 Raised

654 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/09/2022

Our fight against brittle bone disease

When Martina was 2 months old, she broke her two legs while into her mothers arms. Since then, she has suffered multiple fractures that prevent her from walking normally. Our daughter suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. 100% of the collected funds go to entities and projects committed to improving the quality of life of patients.

€18,706 Raised

194 Teamers

Teamer since:  24/02/2023


Sin investigación no hay cura. Actualmente no existen tratamientos curativos para las mastocitosis y necesitamos tu colaboración para seguir investigando. ¿Nos ayudas? La piel es el órgano que con mayor frecuencia está afectado, pero también pueden estar implicados la médula ósea, huesos, hígado, bazo, tubo digestivo. Nuestros niños y adultos sufren muchos picores, ampollas, dolores de cabeza y abdominales, diarreas, mareos, malestar general, enrojecimiento facial, osteoporosis, anafilaxias.

€260 Raised

3 Teamers

Teamer since:  24/02/2023


El síndrome de Rett afecta en su mayoría a niñas.No es hereditarío,pero sí genético,ya que afecta al cromosoma x. El síndrome muestra su cara al año de nacer.Por eso es tan duro.Ves que tu hija/o nace perfectamente y poco a poco vas viendo que sus funciones motoras y cognitivas se van deteriorando. Con la ayuda de todos podemos hacer que haya más investigación sobre este síndrome,relativamente nuevo y puede que algún día tenga curación y deje de llamarse síndrome

€13,363 Raised

446 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/07/2023

GAEM - Group of people affected by multiple sclerosis

We are a group of people affected by multiple sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease experienced by some 50,000 people in Spain. Two-thirds of the 1,800 people who each year learn they have MS are under the age of 40; three out of four of them are women. GAEM promotes research into treatments for this disease, and seeks to improve the quality of life of affected people and their families. We finance ourselves from the resources of conscious and generous people like you. Will you help us?

€234,140 Raised

3,506 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/07/2023

Open Arms

Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.