Guiomar De Fierabrás

Asturias, Spain

Teamer in 26 Groups

Contributes every month: €23 to 23 Groups

Since 02-09-2016 has contributed €809

Groups supported


€1,464 Raised

21 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/09/2016


El Grupo Teaming de PANTERITAS EN ADOPCIÓN, con el que aportar nuestro granito de arena en casos urgentes que precisen de ayuda económica a gatitos negros/as. GRACIAS por tu colaboración!!

€13,660 Raised

209 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/09/2016


NOS OCUPAMOS DE LAS COLONIAS DE GATOS CALLEJEROS DE OVIEDO. En la actualidad tenemos a nuestro cargo 36 colonias; 150 gatos, 25 gatos en casas de acogida y nuevas colonias en proyecto sin ningún tipo de actuación lo cual supone una continua necesidad tanto de voluntarios para los transportes a las clínicas, casas de acogida, donaciones de alimento y voluntarios para alimentar. La necesidad de Ayuda económica para su atención veterinaria y alimentación es continua. Ayúdanos a ayudarles!

€77,823 Raised

574 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/09/2016


Fundación Mascoteros es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, que ofrece recursos sanitarios a todas aquellas entidades de protección que no pueden afrontar los gastos urgentes de las intervenciones a sus animales. • Ofrecemos recursos veterinarios, tales como intervenciones, tratamientos de brotes infecciosos, antiparasitarios y vacunas. • Realizamos campañas de concienciación para la protección animal • Apoyo logístico y material a protectoras que necesitan asistencia veterinaria

€8,324 Raised

45 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/11/2016

Equipo MiauMiau

Enviamos comida mensualmente para los gatitos de Noelia. Ella es una particular y cuida de una colonia de mas de 20 gatos callejeros, les da de comer, los castra, vacuna y los lleva al vete cuando estan malos. Tambien les busca hogares en los que les quieran mucho. Su pagina:

€1,905 Raised

27 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/12/2016

Villa Miau-Asoc Villa Mininos

La Asoc. Villa Mininos es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que nace de la necesidad de crecimiento del trabajo que se realiza en Villa Miau y que tiene como finalidad ayudar a los gatos que viven en libertad en colonias que forman parte de la fauna urbana de Gijón. Esterilizar a los gatos/as y evitar cachorros en la calle que acaban la mayoría de ellos muriendo por enfermedad, atropellos... Atender necesidades veterinarias de los callejeros. Gestionar adopciones responsables.

€9,835 Raised

216 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/09/2020

Asociación Jove gatuno

Organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a alimentar, ofrecer asistencia sanitaria y controlar colonias felinas, así como a dar en adopción los gatinos que no son callejeros o que son abandonados

€3,105 Raised

82 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/09/2020


Ey!! si estás leyendo esto, quiere decir que has decidido echarnos una mano a seguir salvando vidas. Enhorabuena, eres una persona comprometida con los animales y el medioambiente. Nos dedicamos a alimentar y cuidar a animales vagabundos/abandonados, aplicar el método CES en colonias de gatos ferales y promover la adopción y/o acogida de nuestros pequeños. Cada aportación es infinita para nosotros. ¿Nos ayudas? ¡Bienvenido a la Tribu! @asociaciontribuanimal

€35,396 Raised

1,430 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2021

Fight against malnutrition | Doctors Without Borders

Every year, more than three million children under the age of five die from malnutrition or malnutrition-related causes worldwide. Our main challenge is to treat as many children with severe acute malnutrition as possible, particularly in unstable or conflict-affected contexts. We will dedicate your contributions to the most urgent projects.

€79,894 Raised

1,058 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2021

Crédito y Caución with the Food Banks

This group was brought about to help the food banks. The idea is simple: if you join us, for each euro donated each month, the Occident Foundation will donate another to buy food, up to a maximum of 100.000 euros, while the unemployment rate remains higher than 15%.

€53,412 Raised

652 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2021

Our fight against brittle bone disease

When Martina was 2 months old, she broke her two legs while into her mothers arms. Since then, she has suffered multiple fractures that prevent her from walking normally. Our daughter suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. 100% of the collected funds go to entities and projects committed to improving the quality of life of patients.

€63,758 Raised

913 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/03/2021

Wear your wings for the Butterfly Children

Can you imagine being afraid to hug your child? This is how the parents of Butterfly Children feel. A rare and incurable condition, which causes the skin to break with the slightest touch. DEBRA-BUTTERFLY CHILDREN CHARITY works to improve their quality of life. By joining this group you are giving them wings.

€230,718 Raised

3,474 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/06/2021

Open Arms

Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.

€7,710 Raised

196 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/06/2021


We feed approximately 40 cats. We only have about 8 left to castrate, males. We would dedicate your help to food. We are not an association nor do we dedicate ourselves to this, but we cannot see how the cats that come to our farm to eat our cat's food die of hunger. We are very drowned, if you help us we can improve the lives of all of them. Thanks for reading. We are in LLucmajor (I. Balearics)

€15,641 Raised

232 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/09/2021

Asoc Protectora de Animales Gijón Felino

ESta asociacion nació con el proposito de Proteger y dignificar la vida del gato en nuestro ambito, Gijon. El gato callejero es el animal mas incomprendido,ninguneado, perseguido , muchas veces envenados , apaleados, disparados y ayudar a los gatos callejeros Queremos conseguir dinero para su esterilizacion y mantener las colonias controladas, para su alimentacion, gatos veterinarios, recogida de animales heridos y gastos ocasionados de algun gato abandonado que demos en adopción

€23,998 Raised

887 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/11/2022

Teaming 4 Ucrania

Since the beginning of the conflict, we created this group to help Ukrainian people who were affected by the war. Now, through the Red Cross, we support people who were forced to flee and have arrived in Spain. But also to those who stayed in the country by sending humanitarian aid and social assistance on the ground through the same entity.

€43,287 Raised

375 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/02/2023

Tod@s con Siria

Nearly 12 years of war in Syria have left a country devastated, and worse, millions of lives destroyed. But now a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits the northwest of the country and the southeast of Turkey on February 6, leaving more than 4,000 lives in both countries. From the Islamic Relief Foundation we are on the ground providing cash grants so that those most affected can meet their immediate needs.

€132 Raised

16 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/08/2023

Avilés Felino

Asociación dedicada al cuidado de colonias de gatos en Avilés

€25,408 Raised

333 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/08/2023

ADAGA. Asociacion de Amigos de los Gatos

ADAGA (Oviedo) es una Asociación Protectora de Animales que desde el ambito privado está involucrada en el mundo de los grandes olvidados: los gatos. Sin ayudas oficiales ni subvenciones de ningun tipo, se sostiene gracias a la colaboracion altruista de personas de buena voluntad, que mediante donaciones, apadrinamientos, como socios.. nos ayudan en este proyecto que empezó hace mas de 20 años. Eso nos permite sacar adelante un humilde y viejo albergue, hogar de una población media de 70 gatos.

€2,874 Raised

90 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/10/2023

Veterinary expenses of Santuritos

Mother group: I have opened this group to be able to pay the bill at the vet. Every month if or if you have to visit it and as you all know, they are not cheap. Minimum each visit is € 70. So I would ask you to help me keep this debt up to date. Thank you very much for your contribution.

€154 Raised

28 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/11/2023

Gateras de Ventanielles

Somos la asociación Gateras de Ventanielles. Un grupo muy pequeño de personas que nos encargamos de alimentar, castrar y cuidar de los gatos del barrio y alrededores.

€12,927 Raised

443 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/11/2023

GAEM - Group of people affected by multiple sclerosis

We are a group of people affected by multiple sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease experienced by some 50,000 people in Spain. Two-thirds of the 1,800 people who each year learn they have MS are under the age of 40; three out of four of them are women. GAEM promotes research into treatments for this disease, and seeks to improve the quality of life of affected people and their families. We finance ourselves from the resources of conscious and generous people like you. Will you help us?

€128,654 Raised

1,540 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/12/2023


Al Sur de Etiopía, en una región rural y con muy pocos recursos económicos, se encuentra el Hospital de Gambo, hospital misionero que ofrece asistencia sanitaria a todos los habitantes de la región e incluso recibe a las personas más pobres de zonas alejadas al tratarse de uno de los hospitales más baratos del país. La población padece desnutrición severa, deshidratación, malaria, tuberculosis, sida, neumonía, meningitis, y son los niños la población más vulnerable y afectada.

€151,333 Raised

2,814 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/12/2023

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Breakfast to educate and protect in Yemen

Yemen is living a brutal humanitarian emergency. The girls are married off in hopes that they will be fed. The boys are recruited as soldiers. Their lives are hell: rapes, pregnancies, violence. If the school provides food, families are more likely to bring them. We give milk, bread, egg/cheese/tuna and fruit to 1680 children and their lifes have changed!!. 1 breakfast =€0.56. 1month=€13,2. TOTAL 3 school/month= €20.698. Your € FEEDS, EDUCATES AND PROTECTS.

€283 Raised

32 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/12/2023

Apoyo al pueblo palestino

Nuestra misión en la Fundación CAPP , es aliviar la pobreza de los palestinos más pobres a través de operaciones de asistencia de emergencia, acciones continuas y programas de desarrollo económico y social. Trabajamos incansablemente a favor del pueblo Palestino con el único objetivo: desarrollar una solidaridad al servicio de los más vulnerables en colaboración directa con nuestros socios locales.

€31,133 Raised

1,690 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/02/2024

Familia Bombay

Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food.

€6,240 Raised

358 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/04/2024

BOSQUE FELINO - Los guardianes del ser

More than 70 cats that have been rescued from the streets live in the Feline Forest, with many spaces to run and play, trees to climb, as well as in home beds and shelters. We have buildt and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project does not receive any funds from the goverment, only particular donations, and that is why we need your help to continue to care for them. We need volunteers also to visit us!