Veerle Leemen

Veerle Leemen


Teamer in 17 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 16 € a 16 Gruppi

Da 28-09-2017 ha contribuito 1.037 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


4.500 € Totale raccolto

62 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/09/2017

Yes We Can! Spays for Hope!

La sterilizzazione sono le uniche vere soluzioni per umanamente ridurre la sofferenza dei cani randagi. Col nostro Team aiutiamo soprattutto le campagna di sterilizzazione p.e. in Romania, Moldavia, Egitto, Tacchino. Ogni sterilizzazione conta! Vi prego di unirvi a noi ed a aiutarci a trovare più volontari e supporto! Si tratta solo di un euro al mese, ma ha molta importanza! INSIEME possiamo fare la differenza. Grazie!!!

644.430 € Totale raccolto

6.943 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/09/2017

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Fundación Santuario Gaia è un centro vegano di recupero per animali considerati come fattoria, dove coloro che sono stati sfruttati, maltrattati o abbandonati, ricevono le cure necessarie per avere una vita decente per il resto della loro vita. Situato a Camprodon (Girona) nei Pirenei, circondato da foreste, fiumi e montagne. Conosci gli abitanti del Santuario qui:

3.512 € Totale raccolto

55 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/09/2017

Teamers for Animals in Distress

So many animals living in hard conditions, worldwide.. And there is so much we cannot do. But there is still a little we cán do! By this group we help dedicated, deeply motivated people who do help those animals in need, with a donation for food, medical costs, other urgent requests. Rescuers supported by charities like Dierennood, WereldAsielen, Dierencentrum Friesland, Help Honden Roemenië. It will cost us only one euro a month. But it does help. Thank you!!

1.764 € Totale raccolto

19 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/09/2018

Support Anja Biezeman's Stray Animals

Anja Biezeman is a lovely Dutch woman, who lived in Pilion, Greece, taking care of stray animals. Unfortunately her health is getting worse and she was forced to go back to Holland, leaving some dogs behind, for which she is still paying and still looking for a foster. When all animals are placed and no longer financial responsibility of Anja anymore, this group will be closed.

30.726 € Totale raccolto

827 Teamer

Teamer da:  24/11/2018

Smeura - Tierhilfe Hoffnung helfen aufzuklären, Überpopulation durch Kastra

As per Guinnes Book of World Rekords the Smeura is bearing the mournful title of being the biggest animal shelter of the world. Around 5400 dogs and 600 puppies need around 2.7 tonnes food per day. The staff members are doing an inconceivable job - organizationally, physically and emotionally. Driving around with a castration van and pushing the clearing up of the locals. Every euro is needed. There are some pictures in the project description.

4.712 € Totale raccolto

57 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/12/2018


UPDATE : HAPPY TAILS is not able anymore to rescue from the public shelter, so the money of our teaming group will be used for spay campaign. Thank you for your support. Group created to help dogs in Public Shelter Boldesti - Scaieni, Romania. We have in our care an constant number of dogs, as weekly more dogs are brought into the public shelter from the streets. Dogs that are in the public shelter for more than 2 weeks and not adopted, will be on the kill list.

10.384 € Totale raccolto

125 Teamer

Teamer da:  06/02/2019

SoS Zwerfhonden

We are a group of volunteers who help stray dogs in Antalya (Turkey), who live in terrible conditions: they are run over or shot at for fun, chained up, maltreated, starved and hurt. We run a shelter and feeding grounds in Antalya. Dogs that are incapable of surviving on their own are brought to the shelter, given food, the medical care they need and a good home abroad.

4.319 € Totale raccolto

48 Teamer

Teamer da:  25/02/2019

A.P.A Cambiando Miradas

Cambiando Miradas es una protectora de animales que nace en Écija (sevilla) en abril de 2015, por la gran necesidad de prestar auxilio a tanto a abandonos como hay en nuestra localidad. Poco a poco estamos construyendo un hogar temporal para los animales abandonados con el fin de encontrar esa familia que tanto merecen. Para cualquier consulta contacta con nosotros en

3.843 € Totale raccolto

98 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/03/2019

Dutch Animal Care

Dutch Animal Care is een stichting die zich met name inzet voor sterilisaties en hulp aan shelters in het land waar het straathonden- en kattenprobleem zich bevindt. Want uiteindelijk kun je alleen zinvol dweilen als de kraan dicht is.. We werken vooral in Roemenië. Steun je ons? Je euro helpt, zeker op lange termijn! Dank je!!

2.283 € Totale raccolto

36 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/04/2019

Stichting Hulp aan dieren in nood

Wij helpen minima bij hoge incidentele kosten voor hun huisdieren (operaties, sterilisaties/castraties, euthanasie/crematie of noodzakelijk bezoek aan dierenarts). Dat doen we al heel wat jaren en de nood wordt steeds groter. Iedere euro helpt dus vandaar dit initiatief. Helpt u ons helpen?

4.304 € Totale raccolto

87 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/04/2019


Este refugio se está creando, poco a poco, pero aún falta mucho y necesitamos vuestra colaboración, la asociación aún no cuenta con cuenta propia por lo que se utiliza una particular al nombre de la directora y el tesorero

9.391 € Totale raccolto

171 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/04/2019

DoggyLand Romania

DoggyLand shelter is a temporary house for the dogs and cats who badly need us. It's a start for new, better lives, toward adoptive, forever families, a place where they receive safety, trust, food and medical care but also cuddles and basic rules of socializing and walking on leash. Moreover, our association provides regularly free spaying for dogs and cats from community. We are in Romania, Techirghiol and we appreciate you joining our team! Alexandra Manolache, President of DLF Association

1.339 € Totale raccolto

18 Teamer

Teamer da:  19/05/2019

Vrienden van Stichting Dogs by Merlyn

Één euro maakt het verschil! Jij helpt toch ook? Samen sterk!

962 € Totale raccolto

15 Teamer

Teamer da:  22/05/2019

Stichting WereldAsielen

WereldAsielen maakt zich sinds 2004 sterk door incidentele of structurele steun te bieden aan ruim 40 projecten over de hele wereld. WereldAsielen ondersteunt met het financieren van sterilisaties en castraties, het doen van voerdonaties en het voldoen van dierenartsnota's.

1.837 € Totale raccolto

53 Teamer

Teamer da:  06/11/2019

Teodoras Angels

This teaming group has now been closed no more donations will be collected thank you

4.311 € Totale raccolto

135 Teamer

Teamer da:  22/12/2020

Noah's Ark, Marrakech

I am karim, I intervene in Marrakech with a group of volunteers to help the animals of Morocco since 2015. I come to you to support the L'Arche de Noé association which helps domestic and wild animals in distress (amputees, blind, burned, etc.). In addition, we act through our food distributions for dogs, cats and street horses. Our sterilization campaigns make it possible to reduce the reproduction of street animals. Suivez our actions quoted on our Facebook page:

15.797 € Totale raccolto

359 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/10/2021

SOS ARMS Saving Orphaned Souls Sheila's Animal Rescue Mission Romania

S.O.S. A.R.M.S. - Saving Orphaned Souls Animal rescue mission Sheila ngo based in Brasov Romania . ❣️ALL LIFES MATTER ❣️ Your monthly contribution will be so helpfull for paying rent,utilities, workers, emergencies ( dogs hit by cars, cruelty cases,abused dogs from killing shelters) , spaying projects to decrease the number of strays , to prevent unwanted puppies and victims of cruelty ) , keep full tummies. Thank you for caring ❣️