Teresa Casado Espinosa

Teresa Casado Espinosa

Madrid, Spain

Teamer in 24 Groups

Contributes every month: €24 to 24 Groups

Since 13-04-2020 has contributed €587

Groups supported


€40,767 Raised

419 Teamers

Teamer since:  13/04/2020


Somos una Institución privada y sin ánimo de lucro. Tenemos un centro de Acogida y Adopción de perros y gatos abandonados, gestionado por voluntarios y cuyo objetivo principal es encontrarles un verdadero hogar. We are a private non-profit organization that runs a rescue and adoption centre for abandoned dogs and cats with the help of volunteers. Our aim is to find them a real. Necesitamos recaudar fondos para la alimentación, los gastos veterinarios y el bienestar de nuestros animales.

€61,498 Raised

726 Teamers

Teamer since:  03/06/2020

AXLA - Amig@s por Los Animales

AXLA trabaja por y para los animales. Nuestra gran recompensa es la alegría de ver como los que un día llegaron a nosotras asustados, enfermos, maltratados, apaleados... hoy viven felices en una familia que los cuida y quiere como se merecen. Pero por desgracia, las protectoras no recibimos ningún tipo de ayuda ni subvención de instituciones públicas, por lo que te necesitamos para hacer más grande este hermoso proyecto y que cada día sean más los que tengan la oportunidad de VIVIR.

€149,970 Raised

2,162 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/08/2020



€440,208 Raised

8,867 Teamers

Teamer since:  09/11/2020

Teamers 4 Teaming

We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?

€284,132 Raised

4,675 Teamers

Teamer since:  22/06/2021

Animal Rescue Spain!

We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!

€3,164 Raised

50 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/12/2021

Patrulla Felina O Barco

Esta Asociación nace por la necesidad de ayudar a las colonias de gatos callejeros de nuestro municipio expuestos al frío , a enfermedades y en ocasiones envenenados o exterminados. Nuestros objetivos serán: Dar refugio a los gatos capturados y esterilizarlos y buscarles adopción. Facebook: www.facebook.com/patrullafelinaobarco/ Web: http://patrullafelinaobarco.webnode.es/

€31,133 Raised

1,690 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/12/2021

Familia Bombay

Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food. www.familiabombay.com

€84,509 Raised

1,861 Teamers

Teamer since:  28/12/2021

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

€31,479 Raised

968 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/03/2022

GAB - Grupo Ayuda a Bodegueros

GAB is an association that fights against the mistreatment and abandonment of the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. This breed is used for hunting and when they are "no longer useful" they are abandoned. It is the same problem as with galgos and podencos, except that the bodegueros are not such a well known breed. The money raised goes directly to pay for the dogs' homes, which cost 100 euros per month per dog, plus countless veterinary expenses. Every euro counts to keep saving dogs.

€288 Raised

8 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/04/2022

La Balsa Minina

La Balsa Minina es una colonia felina que intenta sobrevivir en lo más profundo del mundo rural. Somos dos particulares que nos hemos hecho cargo de una colonia gatuna castrando a todos sus miembros y proporcionando comida, agua, techo y veterinario cuando caen enfermos. A pesar de todo la gente de la zona intenta envenenar de forma continua a estos gatetes lo cual supone urgencias e ingresos veterinarios. Ayúdanos a cambiar el horrible escenario gatuno del mundo rural. Gracias y bienvenidos.

€23,249 Raised

208 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/04/2022

Fundación La sonrisa de Alex

Alex padeció sarcoma de Ewing, un cáncer de huesos muy agresivo, falleció con cinco años y siempre con su sonrisa eterna, participo en un ensayo experimental , a pesar que a él no le fue bien, la investigación es fundamental para salvar a estos niños, ayudanos a recaudar fondos para la investigación infantil. Nuestro primer objetivo llegar a 3000 teamers para financiar un proyecto de investigación de oncologia pediátrica personalizada.

€11,723 Raised

440 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/04/2022

Arrels Fundació (Official)

We provide care and guidance to people living on the streets of Barcelona. We guide them towards a more autonomous life, covering their basic needs, providing social care and guaranteeing accommodation for those in the most vulnerable situations. We also work to raise awareness, denounce unjust situations and provide solutions to make #nobodysleepinginthestreet possible. Become a Teamer and collaborate by contributing 1 euro a month!

€127,947 Raised

2,093 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/05/2022


Destinamos nuestra recaudación para la ayuda de peludos mayores de 7 años. Un Teaming es un grupo de personas solidarias unidas por una causa común. Nosotr@s trabajamos por los peludos viejitos en situación de desamparo. Gracias por hacer su vida un poco mejor.

€87,464 Raised

1,230 Teamers

Teamer since:  24/08/2022

Association in Defense of the Equidae ADE Cal Lari

This group is created to help the many needs of Cal Lari, ADE’s "big" shelter. In it almost 50 horses and other animals live free. Gary, was rescued this summer of '22, a welsh pony condemned for malformation in its legs to starve and thirst in a cage of iron rods next to a road. After his rescue and hospital admission to the veterinary clinic, we have him recovering in Cal Lari. Keeping one horse a month is 200 € only in food.

€9,889 Raised

193 Teamers

Teamer since:  22/09/2022


A Espanya s'abandonen més de 150.000 animals cada any, la majoria de les entitats de protecció animal no tenen refugi, ajuda a les que mantenim un refugi assumint totes les despeses i obrint els 365 dies de l'any, assegura a on va el teu euro. Amb només 1€ al mes pots col•laborar en les despeses del refugi, nòmines, veterinaris, menjar, llum, aigua, vehicle, assegurances...un refugi no és només donar menjar...a través de la plataforma Teaming, només has d'unir-te al nostre grup.

€4,637 Raised

172 Teamers

Teamer since:  18/10/2022


Nos hemos embarcado a este nuevo proyecto de poder albergar gatos que muchas veces hemos lamentado no recogerlos por que no disponíamos de refugio, ahora que lo tenemos como todos los comienzos cuesta ponerse en marcha... de euro a euro intentaremos ir avanzando poco a poco..... GRACIAS familia por apoyarnos y luchar por ellos!

€69,293 Raised

882 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/10/2022

Miradas que hablan Duplicación Mecp2

Somos un grupo de niños/as que tenemos el síndrome de duplicación mecp2, que nos produce retraso mental, psicomotor y de lenguaje, insomnio, infecciones respiratorias, esteriotipias… crisis epilépticas que nos producen regresión. En el hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Bcn se investiga gracias a las familias y a las donaciones privadas para encontrar un tratamiento o cura que mejore nuestra calidad de vida.Necesitamos tu ayuda! www.duplicacionmecp2.es

€15,262 Raised

833 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/12/2022

Salvar Santuario Vacaloura

The funds raised through this group will be used to carry out the necessary works to build #ParaísoVacaloura and to deal with the constant improvement and maintenance that such a facility requires.

€94,312 Raised

1,249 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/06/2023

AnimaNaturalis:Por la Defensa de los Animales

AnimaNaturalis lucha desde 2003 para establecer, difundir y proteger los derechos de todos los animales. Con euro al mes nos permite seguir defendiendo la convicción de que los animales no son nuestros para ser usados como comida, probetas de laboratorio, materiales para hacer prendas, servir como entretenimiento o ser víctimas de nuestras tradiciones. Conoce nuestro trabajo en www.AnimaNaturalis.org. O síguenos en las redes: Instagram y Twitter: @animanaturalis / Facebook: @AnimaNaturalisES

€78,067 Raised

1,287 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/07/2023

MONA: Help MONA feeding me

In MONA Foundation, abused chimpanzees and macaques are recovering from their previous lives as circus artists, television actors, and even pets.MONA gives them a second chance at a life free of pain and abuse. We strive to give them the type of life they should have had in the wild, giving them back their dignity they so much deserve. Would you like to contribute to their welfare? With just 1 euro a month you can give them a healthy and balanced diet! www.fundaciomona.org / www.mona-uk.org

€230,718 Raised

3,483 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/07/2023

Open Arms

Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.

€9,018 Raised

397 Teamers

Teamer since:  29/07/2023

Help Santuario Winston

Hello friends, we have thought that this group can help more and better by being a piggy bank for when we encounter an emergency (for the health of one of our guests, in times of great drought or, on the contrary, great snowfalls as it has been regular ... etc. etc) there are 61 horses, 1 goat, 2 sheep, 9 chickens, 4 cats and 4 dogs that inhabit the Sanctuary and as you can imagine, there are always too many expenses.

€849 Raised

133 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/08/2023

Fondo veterinario - GAB (Grupo de Ayuda a Bodegueros)

Este grupo de Teaming se crea para poder sufragar los gastos veterinarios de nuestros perros en acogida. ------ GAB somos una asociación que lucha contra el maltrato y abandono del Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. Esta raza se usa para la caza y cuando "no sirven" son abandonados. https://linktr.ee/gab_grupo.ayuda.bodegueros Instagram: @gab_grupo.ayuda.bodegueros Tiktok: @gab_grupoayudabodegueros

€1,915 Raised

186 Teamers

Teamer since:  24/11/2023

Patitas Perrigatunas

Hello, we are a small Association but we have been helping animals for a long time. We have dogs and cats in a shelter, almost all of them are PPP. We need your help to continue rescuing animals from kennels and the street, pay rent and shelter expenses, veterinary bills. Each of you will help us to make it possible to keep our animals, for just one euro you can do this wonderful miracle. Thanks a million for not being indifferent to abuse and neglect.