Dirk IJsselstijn

Dirk IJsselstijn


Teamer in 13 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 13 € für 13 Gruppen

Seit 02-06-2018 gespendet: 615 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


13.790 € Gespendet

219 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/06/2018

Be our GaGa Friend

Unterstütze das GaGa Animal Care Tierheim auf Lesbos! Unsere fortlaufenden Projekte: * Unterkunft, Versorgung und Schutz * Kastration und Sterilisation von Hunden und Katzen * Aufklärung der Menschen vor Ort * Einrichtung von Futterplätzen

11.796 € Gespendet

195 Teamer

Teamer seit:  03/09/2018

TANAMERA Hunting Dog Rescue

Tanamera rescues, rehabilitates and rehomes Spanish hunting dogs. Without exception, they enter our shelter being only skin and bones and food is their first need. Our refuge suffers to pay the food bill for our dogs, that often need special food (liver / heart problems, recovery & puppy food). On average we need 335 euros PER MONTH to be able to give them the food they need. We need your help to ensure we can feed our dogs, not only today, but every month. Please help us feed them. Thank you!

1.745 € Gespendet

20 Teamer

Teamer seit:  09/01/2020

Support Anja Biezeman's Stray Animals

Anja Biezeman is a lovely Dutch woman, who lived in Pilion, Greece, taking care of stray animals. Unfortunately her health is getting worse and she was forced to go back to Holland, leaving some dogs behind, for which she is still paying and still looking for a foster. When all animals are placed and no longer financial responsibility of Anja anymore, this group will be closed.

11.590 € Gespendet

265 Teamer

Teamer seit:  15/01/2020

Dog Rescue Greece

In Griekenland worden honden vaak verwaarloosd, mishandeld, achtergelaten, vergiftigd of op een andere gruwelijke manier gedood. Dog Rescue Greece neemt deel aan sterilisatie- en castratieprojecten in Griekenland en is ook actief in het overbrengen van honden naar Nederland. Na aankomst in Nederland vinden de meeste honden snel hun eigen warme mand. Een veilige plek, een liefdevol thuis, waar ze, verlost van misbruik, pijn en honger, een lang en gelukkig leven in Nederland kunnen beginnen.

1.452 € Gespendet

39 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/01/2020

Mr. Darcy & Djimba helpen dieren in nood

Stichting Mr. Darcy en Stichting Djimba slaan de handen ineen. Mr. Darcy helpt wereldwijd dieren door o.a. sterilisatieprojecten te sponsoren, maar biedt ook een thuis aan oude honden. Djimba is sinds 2005 een t(e)huis voor oude, zieke, gehandicapte en getraumatiseerde honden. Djimba zamelt ook hulpgoederen in voor andere opvangcentra. Jeannette Cadee (Mr. Darcy) en Betty Heideman (Djimba) werken al sinds 2000 samen.

1.710 € Gespendet

70 Teamer

Teamer seit:  21/01/2020

Strays of my Soul by Maria Fragkouli Kreta

Maria Fragkouli lebt in Ierapetra auf Kreta und kümmert sich liebevoll um streunende Hunde und Katzen. Maria hat derzeit mehr als 75 Hunde und etwa 25 Katzen in ihrem Garten und in Dog Village, dem neuen Tierheim. Sie kümmert sich auch um viele andere Straßentiere, versorgt sie mit Futter und bringt sie bei Bedarf zum Tierarzt. Maria braucht dringend unsere Unterstützung bei der Versorgung der Straßentiere. Die Tiere brauchen Futter, med. Pflege, Kastration etc. und ein liebevolles Zuhause.

13.769 € Gespendet

179 Teamer

Teamer seit:  13/05/2020


A rescue and rehoming sanctuary for abused, neglected and abandoned Galgos and Podencas in Malaga, Spain. Entirely voluntary funded, this charity has saved the lives of many Galgos left to die on the streets. All our dogs are vaccinated, neutered, and rehabilitated before we place them in forever homes. This group is to raise money for ongoing running costs and vets fees for special cases like Ebro.

6.297 € Gespendet

87 Teamer

Teamer seit:  16/06/2020

TAIL Torrox 1€ Campaign

We are Torrox Animal Internation League (TAIL), a local charity/ refuge set in Torrox, Malaga. Our goals are to rescue and rehome abandoned and maltreated dogs and work to educate local community about dog care and neutering. With new cases of animal abandonment every week,we need your help to keep on pursuing these goals. Please subscribe to our one euro campaign!

1.220 € Gespendet

19 Teamer

Teamer seit:  30/06/2020

Mascotas de Priego GATOS

Mascotas de Priego gatos es una asociación sin animo de lucro. Recogemos anualmente mas de 120 gatos en muy malas condiciones y les buscamos nuevas familias. Tenemos un refugio y ademas contamos con casas de acogida. No tenemos ningún tipo de ayuda por parte de nuestro Ayuntamiento ni subvenciones. Necesitamos de tu ayuda para poder seguir ayudando a muchos gatos mas que nos necesitan.

4.270 € Gespendet

104 Teamer

Teamer seit:  31/07/2020

Athens Stray Kittens

A voluntary initiative based in Athens, Greece, in order to limit the number of stray cats living in terrible circumstances in the streets of Athens. Our mission is to conduct TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return)-programs and to find a loving home in Europe for the cats that won't survive outside, for example due to health issues, disabilities. www.askadopt.eu

167 € Gespendet

2 Teamer

Teamer seit:  02/09/2021

Animal Love and Rescue

We are a dog rescue center, foster dogs until they get adopted. Currently, we have 25 dogs, a lot of puppies and we are in need of money. We don't work with monthly donations. We are always in need of money to buy food, extra healthy food for the sick ones, medication, vet costs, etc. Due to corona, it's very difficult to get donations in. But we want to reach a goal! Get 800 members in our group! Before the end of the year. This would cover the monthly costs. Our dogs are everything for us!

6.397 € Gespendet

212 Teamer

Teamer seit:  29/01/2022

Asociación y refugio para animales sin posibilidades ( ASRA )

We are an animal sanctuary in Muro de Alcoy. We have almost 100 animals with chronic illnesses, with trauma or who are handicapped. We are a family of 4 and work with 2 amazing volunteers.

1.932 € Gespendet

67 Teamer

Teamer seit:  08/04/2023

Usko's Nest Dog Shelter - Dalida - Bosnia

Dalida is a lawyer from Sarajevo who has been involved in protection of animals for more than 15 years and she is one of the rescuers and activists with most experience in Bosnia. Dalida and her mom take care of 140 saved dogs and cats in their shelter Usko's Nest Dog. They really need help with the costs for food, vetbills, medication and supplements, deworming and defleaing, and to hire a worker to help out Dalida's mum, who is working so hard, but can't keep up on her own. Help is needed!