Ambra D'Ippolito


Teamer de 12 Grupos

Desde el 03-02-2021 ha aportado 265 €

Grupos en los que participa


20.061 € Recaudados

798 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/02/2021

Rifugio Hope

Ospitiamo oltre 350 animali salvati dal macello e dallo sfruttamento. Ospitiamo più di 20 specie differenti. Con noi vivranno una vita serena e lontana dallo sfruttamento, liberi in tanto spazio e trattati da individui nn da oggetti come è giusto che sia! La nostra vita è dedicata a loro che ogni giorno ci riempiono il cuore... La loro libertà, la loro vita, il rispetto nei loro confronti sono la nostra missione♥️ Aiutaci con 1 solo euro al mese, insieme si può fare la differenza!

79.012 € Recaudados

1.729 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/02/2021

Santuario Capra Libera Tutti

The Animal Sanctuary Capra Libera Tutti is a place where animals which are usually considered as products are saved from exploitation and slaughter and find refuge. About 400 animals live in complete freedom, here they are not considered neither ingredients nor products. For their maintenance, for medical care and for the preservation of the facilities, constant help is needed to ensure that this place can continue to exist and resist. The total costs exceed 250 euros per day.

7.182 € Recaudados

174 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/02/2021

Santuario Heartland - Gastos de alimentación

El Santuario Heartland es el hogar de más de 300 almas rescatadas del abandono y la explotación. Acogemos cabras, ovejas, burros, caballos, cerdos, gansos, gallinas, patos, conejos, loros, perros, gatos… Los gastos de alimentación ascienden a 2.000 € al mes. Gracias a tu ayuda, podemos seguir adelante y garantizarles una alimentación adecuada. Con solo el aporte de 1€ al mes puedes hacer la diferencia. Gracias por ayudar a los animales del Santuario Heartland!

6.984 € Recaudados

160 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/02/2021

Agripunk - Antispecist Social Shelter

We closed down an intensive turkey farm and transformed it into a shelter and social space. Thus was born Agripunk, a social refuge for people of all kinds. This group aims to collect the rental fee for the shelter on a monthly basis. The goal? 2000 teamers to fully cover the monthly quota. We can do it???

7.458 € Recaudados

284 Teamers

Teamer desde:  27/04/2021

Rifugio Ohana animal rescue family

Ohana means family in the hawaian language. Our family includes 150 (human and non-human) animals. Everyone has his/her story of liberation, own name and personality Ohana was funded in 2016 in Empoli (Tuscany) when Letizia and Luigi sold all their belongings to buy a land and give shelter to animals saved from explotation and slaughterhouse. Thanks for supporting our project!

14.786 € Recaudados

849 Teamers

Teamer desde:  06/07/2021


A small corner of the world, where individuals of different species live together and fight side by side, against all forms of abuse. The Nelloporcello antispecist Sanctuary, where live Animals that survived the food industry (pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits), is a project that belongs to "L'Arcobaleno di Olivia", an association for the protection of animal rights, promoting a antispecist , vegan and cruelty free lifestyle.

3.754 € Recaudados

179 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/07/2021

Fattoria Capre e Cavoli

Fattoria Capre e Cavoli, un'oasi di serenità ed allegria per tutti! Per gli animali, in particolare quelli considerati "da reddito", che qui vengono sottratti a sfruttamento e abbandono, e potranno vivere per il resto della loro vita liberi, curati, e coccolati; e per i visitatori, in particolar modo i bambini, che potranno imparare a conoscere ed a rispettare la Vita in tutte le sue forme, sicuri che non tarderanno ad amare e coccolare i più di sessanta ospiti che vivono felici nel Rifugio!

3.663 € Recaudados

442 Teamers

Teamer desde:  23/07/2021

Santuario La Capra Campa

We are a free animal shelter where around 80 animals removed from the production chain live. At the La Capra Campa farm goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quails, pigs, donkeys, cattle, dogs and cats live free. They are our travel companions! In order to be able to support this great project and other small and large initiatives all linked to the vegan and anti-speciesist world, in February 2020 we founded, with a group of trusted friends, Il Soffio di Gea ODV association.

34.197 € Recaudados

1.141 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/08/2021

associazione animalisti attivi Odv - catanzaro

Sono un Veterinario e a Catanzaro gestisco una piccola associazione che si occupa di gatti randagi feriti, malati e disabili. Li curiamo e restano con noi finché non trovano una casa adatta. Di solito abbiamo in media 80/90 ospiti. SEGUITECU sui social come @lillypullano o in pagina fb. Il teaming è l'unico aiuto che abbiamo per salvarli♥️

29.478 € Recaudados

1.682 Teamers

Teamer desde:  02/02/2022

Familia Bombay

Refugio para gatitos LEUCÉMICOS. El 9 de abril 2021 nacen los 8 bebés de BOMBAY, una gatita recogida 21 días antes de la calle. Un ángel que sufre 3 mastitis desde que da a luz, sin dejar de dar de mamar a sus bebés. Dos meses más tarde sabemos que tanto los 8 bebés como Bombay son positivos en Leucemia, y hoy empieza 'Familia Bombay' para cumplir un sueño y no abandonar a los más débiles en el peor momento. Ayuda con gastos veterinarios, medicinas y comida.

15.042 € Recaudados

625 Teamers

Teamer desde:  02/02/2022


Il Rifugio del Micio es una organización sin ánimo de lucro,activa gracias al trabajo de los voluntarios que participan en ella, cuyos objetivos son la protección de los gatos que viven en libertad y la prevención de los animales felinos vagabundos.

1.805 € Recaudados

83 Teamers

Teamer desde:  22/02/2022


It was December 2014 and we were a group of friends who volunteered at the Parcocanile Vitadacani in Arese. One evening we found ourselves talking about a news that had saddened us very much: a homeless man had died frozen in Milan, in total indifference. From a shared thought, we felt the need to do something also for human beings in difficulty and so we came up with the idea: to prepare vegan meals, hot drinks and bring them to homeless people.