Yolanda Navarro

Barcelona, Espanya

Teamer de 8 Grups

Cada mes aporta 8 € a 8 Grups

Des del 23-02-2021 ha aportat 209 €

Grups on participa


5.459 € Recaptats

140 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2021

Fundació Miranda Cavalls en Llibertat

Des del 2008, en la Fundació Miranda hem rescatat 80 èquids que vivien situacions difícils i de maltractament, aïllament i abandó i els hem donat una vida en llibertat. Perquè la nostra Fundació pugui continuar amb el seu objectiu, necessitem recursos econòmics. Ara més que mai, la situació de sequera ens obliga a complementar l'alimentació dels cavalls i consumeix els nostres recursos.

86.250 € Recaptats

1.231 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2021

Association in Defense of the Equidae ADE Cal Lari

This group is created to help the many needs of Cal Lari, ADE’s "big" shelter. In it almost 50 horses and other animals live free. Gary, was rescued this summer of '22, a welsh pony condemned for malformation in its legs to starve and thirst in a cage of iron rods next to a road. After his rescue and hospital admission to the veterinary clinic, we have him recovering in Cal Lari. Keeping one horse a month is 200 € only in food.

6.177 € Recaptats

168 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2021

Protectora d'Animals de Manresa - Aixopluc

La protectora d'Animals Aixopluc, és una associació que té cura d'un centenar de gossos i més de tres-cents gats. Molts arriben al centre en molt mal estat i la seva recuperació és vital per donar-los una bona qualitat de vida i una futura adopció. El centre està ubicat a Manresa (Barcelona). Per fer front a tots aquests costos sanitaris i alimentaris, ens unim a aquesta meravellosa iniciativa. Podeu coneixe'ns millor aqui :https://www.aixoplucmanresa.org

3.694 € Recaptats

105 Teamers

Teamer des de:  02/08/2021


Desde la ASOCIACIÓN ANTONIO GÓMEZ MARTÍN, https://asociacionantoniogomezmartin.com/ , iniciamos esta campaña para la rehabilitación, en la provincia de Cáceres, de nuestra sede social; que se constituiría, fundamentalmente, en un Centro de Ayuda Humanitaria. Pretendemos contribuir a la implantación de los verdaderos valores cristianos en esta sociedad. En este vídeo se puede ver la envergadura de nuestra proyecto: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VE7AOstpces&t=430s Muchísimas gracias!!!!

66.702 € Recaptats

1.321 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2022

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center

The SJD Pediatric Center is the first monographic centre for paediatric oncology in Spain (2nd in Europe). 70% of the centre is devoted to care and 30% to research. It has the capacity to care for 400 children and youngsters. Its spaces are designed with the emotional well-being of the children and their families in mind. Our aim is that the children have more options to overcome cancer with less after-effects. Your euro helps to carry out the humanisation programmes and new treatments. Will you join us?

42.916 € Recaptats

377 Teamers

Teamer des de:  08/02/2023

Tod@s con Siria

Nearly 12 years of war in Syria have left a country devastated, and worse, millions of lives destroyed. But now a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits the northwest of the country and the southeast of Turkey on February 6, leaving more than 4,000 lives in both countries. From the Islamic Relief Foundation we are on the ground providing cash grants so that those most affected can meet their immediate needs.

33.984 € Recaptats

1.438 Teamers

Teamer des de:  08/02/2023

Fight against malnutrition | Doctors Without Borders

Every year, more than three million children under the age of five die from malnutrition or malnutrition-related causes worldwide. Our main challenge is to treat as many children with severe acute malnutrition as possible, particularly in unstable or conflict-affected contexts. We will dedicate your contributions to the most urgent projects.

39.522 € Recaptats

913 Teamers

Teamer des de:  08/02/2023

Syria Emergency - Spain for UNHCR

12 years of war in Syria have left millions of victims and 5.5 million refugees. Since then, donations have been made in this group to assist them through harsh winters without heating or during the pandemic. Their situation is now even more critical after the earthquakes in February. UNHCR continues to support them with cash to cover basic needs, as well as their access to health, education, shelter and livelihoods. Photo ©UNHCR/S.Sawas