Yes We Can! Spays for Hope!

Yes We Can! Spays for Hope!

63  Teamers
4 559 € récoltés

La stérilisation est la méthode la plus humaine pour réduire la souffrance des chiens et des chats vivant dans les rues de Roumanie, de Grèce. En fait partout. Rejoignez-nous et aidez-nous à augmenter notre Groupe Teaming - un euro par mois fait toute la différence ! ENSEMBLE, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Nous vous remercions !!!

Nous destinons notre collecte à :

Spaying in Comanesti, Romania

Dutch Animal Care

Times have changed in Romania. In Comanesti, if you don't registrate your dog or you don't bring your dog for a spay, you risk high fines! In collaboration with several NGO's and vets, in the middle of June there will be a spay weekend. They expect many local people with their animals. Also several wild living dogs will be helped. Being scared dogs, with the help of a special vet they need to be tranquilized. Dutch Animal Care offered to help with the costs for this vet, as well as the costs for registration. The regular sterilisations of Dutch Animal Care also continue, so extra help from donors is very, very welcome! We help a little too. Thank you!!

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Actualisations du Groupe

Annemera Wienke
Annemera Wienke
Teaming Manager

29/09/2023 10:24 h

Dear Friends, lieve Teamers,

Yesterday I transferred the funds to Dierennood. The €122 will soon be added to the other funds for the spay campaign in Valcea. From Nicoleta I heared they hope to go in October, before winter falls. With the fundraiser on Facebook we are about half way! Thank you a millions!! If you like to help a little bit more, the fundraiser you will find in the comment. Also in Romania times are very difficult...

Also from Makedonia a big thank you, for Vlatko it so helps to go on, and nót give up! For in the end, it’s the only way, spaying against the wind of the puppy stream.

Thank you, dank je wel!!!


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Annemera Wienke
Annemera Wienke
Teaming Manager

15/07/2018 00:38 h

Dear Teamers, so grateful for your help!! With your help we are heading to 60 Teamers. Maybe a little bit on a big problem, but together on the long term.. Please have a look at the video.. It tells you why this is so incredibly important. In case you didn't know! ;)
And new Teamers? Always very welcome!!
Kind regards,

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Nous avons récolté à ce jour :
4 559 €
Nous avons déjà donné :
4 438 €
Nous allons donner :
121 €
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Défense des animaux


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