Sotogrande Cat Care Society (SoCCS)

Sotogrande Cat Care Society (SoCCS)

23  Teamers
1.275 € gesammelt

SoCCS (Sotogrande Cat Care Society) is a not-for-profit charitable association, officially registered in Andalucía, Spain, run by a dedicated group of 30 volunteers who work tirelessly to better the lives of our less fortunate feline friends. SoCCS runs TNR (trap, neuter and return) and feeding programs in and around the Sotogrande community and is focused on keeping street cat populations at healthy manageable numbers.

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TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) and Feeding Programs

Sotogrande Cat Care Society (SoCCS)

SoCCS is a registered charity on the south coast of Spain that runs TNR (trap, neuter and return) and feeding programmes in, and around, the Sotogrande community. We have around 30 volunteers who tirelessly work to improve the lives of our less fortunate four-legged friends. SoCCS has neutered more than 800 cats since our inception, preventing the birth of thousands of unwanted kittens, and saving them from a short life of hardship and suffering on the street. Additionally, we care for more than 200 cats every day, across several monitored colonies, through our feeding programme. All monies donated here go directly towards these two initiatives; our volunteers are unpaid and often make up for shortfalls out of their own pockets. We cant do what we do without your help and we thank you for your support! Please invite your friends and tell them about the work that we do.

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Paula Raccagna
Paula Raccagna

14/05/2020 01:58 h

Thank you to everyone that has supported us along the way! Every little bit helps and we can't do what we do without you. Please share our Teaming project with your friends :)

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
1.275 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
1.230 €
Wir werden spenden:
45 €
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