Simona Colucci

Simona Colucci


Teaming manager de 2 Grupos

Teamer de 4 Grupos

Desde el 28-01-2020 ha aportado 101 €

Grupos que lidera


606 € Recaudados

10 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  28/01/2020

L'Allegra Fattoria

Siamo un rifugio per animali. Li salviamo da situazioni di sfruttamento e maltrattamento e ci prendiamo cura di loro.

249 € Recaudados

5 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  14/11/2021

I GattAstri

We are an association active since 2018 mainly in the Piossasco (TO) area. Our mission is to take care of cats. We take care of various cat colonies (food, care, sterilization) and we have a small shelter where we welcome stray cats in difficulty to put them back on their feet and then look for a family for them. Like most associations, we do not receive public funds and live thanks to private donations.

Grupos en los que participa


6.519 € Recaudados

213 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/04/2021


La Collina dei Conigli was founded in 2005 to give concrete help to animals. Our main project is the management of three rescue and rehabilitation centers, in Monza, Turin and Genoa, Italy, where rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice, which we save mainly from research laboratories and other dangerous conditions, are housed We do not receive any subsidies and the costs to house and take care of all these animals are high: only the continuous support of donors can help us keep these Centers running

8.472 € Recaudados

604 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/06/2024

Santuario La Capra Campa

We are a free animal shelter where around 80 animals removed from the production chain live. At the La Capra Campa farm goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quails, pigs, donkeys, cattle, dogs and cats live free. They are our travel companions! In order to be able to support this great project and other small and large initiatives all linked to the vegan and anti-speciesist world, in February 2020 we founded, with a group of trusted friends, Il Soffio di Gea ODV association.

1.509 € Recaudados

45 Teamers

Teamer desde:  10/06/2024

Santuario N.A.L.A.

We are a voluntary association, which guards a sanctuary dedicated to animals, we are against violence, discrimination. We believe that all living beings have the right to life and freedom Human and non-human. These places of peace survive thanks to donations from those who like us have the same values ​​and principles as us. This is a way within everyone's reach BUT WE HAVE TO BE MANY !!!! Thank you very much. <3 <3

4.828 € Recaudados

153 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/07/2024

Palle di Lana Sanctuary

Onlus nata nel 2010 con lo scopo di salvare tutelare e difendere tutti gli animali attraverso azioni dirette e la divulgazione di una filosofia nonviolenta. Nel nostro Santuario Palle di Lana tutte le attività sono fatte da volontari non retribuiti e tutte le entrate dell'associazione, derivanti principalmente da donazioni, vengono destinate al mantenimento degli animali salvati e che vivono stabilmente presso il nostro santuario, e nella colonia feline della quale ci occupiamo.