Teamer in 5 Gruppi

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


31.108 € Totale raccolto

452 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/03/2019

APAN - Associació Protectora d'Animals de l'Anoia (animal shelter)

APAN is an animal shelter, located near Barcelona. The project was born with the aim of finding beautiful families for the dogs and cats living the shelter, promoting volunteerism, animal welfare awareness as well as respect and love for the animals. We have more than 60 dogs and cats at the moment. We speak for them, as they have no voice and cannot raise their paws to ask for help. Can you help us to continue helping them? ❤

33.346 € Totale raccolto

559 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/04/2019


Sanctuary for elderly dogs or in special conditions, so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives with dignity, in a domestic environment. We need help to support the more than 20 members of the Empathia family. Thank you!

3.265 € Totale raccolto

46 Teamer

Teamer da:  02/05/2020

Laika Andorra

Laika was born in Andorra to work for a better environment and to facilitate the many abandoned and ill-treated animals, an easier life in our Country. With one euro we can buy 3 cans of pâté, and therefore give a ration of food for 15 cats.

6.062 € Totale raccolto

176 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/02/2021

Canigat Vallbona d'Anoia

Som una associació sense ànim de lucre formada per voluntaris que vetllem pel benestar animal. Gestionem colònies de gats ferals fent seguiment i aplicant el mètode CER (captura, esterilització i retorn). Rescatem cadells, animals ferits, malalts i/o abandonats, fem tractament veterinari, socialitzem, per donar-los una nova oportunitat lluny del carrer a través d’adopcions responsables. Funcionem amb cases d’acollida però construïm un refugi per atendre millor les seves necessitats. Ens ajudes?

6.008 € Totale raccolto

183 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/07/2022

O Legado de Max

Somos una pequeña protectora que pedimos ayuda para dar de comer y cubrir los gastos veterinarios de nuestros animales. Colabora con 1 € al mes y te estarán eternamente agradecidos!!