Robin Dragojevic

Robin Dragojevic


Teamer in 7 Groups

Since 21-12-2020 has contributed €178

Groups supported


€66,591 Raised

2,175 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/12/2020

Kitten Safe House e.V.

Daniela Knezevic and Nadine Bartel lead the Kitten Safe House. They usually take on injured street cats, kitten thrown into the trash or abandoned cats. Try to look after them well and give them in good hands. They also look after feeding sites and catches the cats for castration. There are at least 60 cats in her house, all of whom need food, medicines, cat litter and medical care. This all costs money, you can help us to support Daniela and her crew!

€7,089 Raised

197 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/12/2020

MayaCat Rescue-Every life is worth saving

It all started with the street cat Maya, you can find her story on our Facebook page. The Mayacat Rescue team takes care of street cats on the island of Korcula with a lot of love and heart. Street cats will be treated and neutered with your donation. Street kittens come to care homes, are treated, chipped, tested, vaccinated, neutered and placed in a loving forever home. Let us fight together against the unbearable suffering of the street cats.

€8,114 Raised

330 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/12/2020

CopsCats - Katzenhilfe Zypern

Wir kümmern uns um die Straßenkatzen auf Zypern. Die Population ist sehr hoch und wir versuchen durch Kastrationen dem Elend entgegen zu wirken. Außerdem betreiben wir Futterstellen und kümmern uns um kranke und verletze Tiere.

€43,858 Raised

1,580 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/12/2020


Wir sind eine private Organisation auf Mallorca und retten Katzen vor Ort | ausgesetzt - krank - von der Strasse - aus allen Notfallsituationen | Bei uns werden sie tierärztlich versorgt, kastriert, dürfen zu neuen Kräften kommen, sind in Sicherheit | sobald sie bereit & gesund sind, suchen sie einen Sofaplatz auf Lebenszeit. Aktuell versorgen wir täglich um die 150 Katzen - in unserem Katzen-Refugio, auf externen Pflegestellen und auf der Strasse.

€448,906 Raised

8,937 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/10/2023

Teamers 4 Teaming

We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?

€28,569 Raised

264 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/10/2023

Terapia Génica para Niemann Pick tipo C

Somos la Asociación Niemann Pick de Fuenlabrada.Padres y amigos que luchan para acabar con ésta terrible enfermedad neurodegenerativa, genética y mortal. ¿Imagináis ver a vuestro hijo perder facultades día a día? Nuestra esperanza es la Terapia génica, la CURA de nuestros hijos, tenemos un equipo de investigación y necesitamos de vuestra ayuda, os estaremos eternamente agradecidos. Visítanos en Facebook y conócenos. ¿Nos ayudas? Asociación Niemann Pick Fuenlabrada Viviendo con Niemann pick

€154,109 Raised

2,821 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/10/2023

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Breakfast to educate and protect in Yemen

Yemen is living a brutal humanitarian emergency. The girls are married off in hopes that they will be fed. The boys are recruited as soldiers. Their lives are hell: rapes, pregnancies, violence. If the school provides food, families are more likely to bring them. We give milk, bread, egg/cheese/tuna and fruit to 1680 children and their lifes have changed!!. 1 breakfast =€0.56. 1month=€13,2. TOTAL 3 school/month= €20.698. Your € FEEDS, EDUCATES AND PROTECTS.