Reyes María López Medina

Reyes María López Medina

Cádiz, Espagne

Teamer de 11 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 10 € à 10 Groupes

Depuis le 01-06-2013 il/elle a donné 651 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


13 591 € récoltés

137 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/12/2015

RAINFER: Ayuda a Boris

This orangutan lived years of exploitation in a circus since he was little and was later sold to zoos. Due to poor care, he suffers from many chronic health problems that require daily medication for life, as well as supplements to boost his weak immune system. Among these, he suffers from the beginning of diabetes, for which we offer him a special diet adapted to his needs; rhinitis, a disease that affects the respiratory tract, and leishmaniosis; It needs care! Can you help us?

16 825 € récoltés

154 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/12/2015


Gombe was found in a garbage can when he was a baby and has always suffered from adjustment problems with his kind due to suffering from a rare neurological disease: Alien Hand Syndrome. This disease is degenerative, and requires several daily medications, such as antiepileptics and tranquilizers, which will increase throughout his life, to control these crises and improve his quality of life. The cost of all the medication is €200/month. Will you help us so that Gombe does not suffer?

17 600 € récoltés

138 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/12/2015

Santuario Refugio La PEPA

P.E.P.A. (Proyecto Educativo de Proteccion Animal) es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que lucha cada día por defender y promover los derechos de los animales, desde un refugio de animales de granja, independientemente de su especie, porque todos sin excepcion tienen derecho a vivir, a vivir con dignidad, a vivir libres de explotación y maltrato, en definitiva, a vivir confiando en el ser humano y no temiéndole.

13 492 € récoltés

211 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/12/2015

PRODEAN-Proderechos Animal Campo de Gibraltar

Asociación Pro-Derechos del Animal del Prodean Campo de Gibraltar carries with great effort the shelter of La Línea. They keep fighting to keep the Peter's idea of saving all possible animals. They have no government help and are supported by donations and adoptions. Maintenance, veterinary, medicine and worker expenses are very high. The friend associations in Germany and the Netherlands help the shelter. But there is always lack of everything. Help me help them!.

1 070 € récoltés

37 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  30/03/2016

Rescate animal Andalucía

This teaming is to raise funds for all the rescued animals in Spain and the animals rescued from the war in Ukraine. A year ago I decided to help these poor animals who were homeless because of the war. Several trips have been made but help is needed to keep them and to continue helping them, it is a lot that I have been doing alone. A total of 68 animals have been taken to Spain and Germany by myself. Many people have helped me but I still need help for them. More info on my FB :)

63 758 € récoltés

913 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  16/06/2021

Les enfants papillons

Sais-tu ce que c'est d'avoir peur de serrer ton fils dans tes bras ? C'est ce que vivent les parents des enfants qui ont la maladie de la peau de papillon. Cette maladie incurable et rare provoque le décollement de la peau au moindre frottement. L'association DEBRA - Peau de papillon travaille pour améliorer leur qualité de vie. En rejoignant ce Groupe tu feras un geste simple pour des personnes extraordinaires.

284 133 € récoltés

4 671 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  23/06/2021

Animal rescue Espagne

Nous secourons des animaux maltraités et abandonnés. Nous pouvons le faire grâce au soutien et aux dons de vous tous. 1€ par mois et le rêve des animaux maltraités se réalisera.

637 652 € récoltés

6 971 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  10/08/2021

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

440 208 € récoltés

8 858 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  16/09/2021

Teamers 4 Teaming

Sur Teaming nous travaillons dur pour que toutes les causes sociales puissent réaliser leurs rêves. Depuis que nous avons lancé Teaming, nous avons récolté plus de 50 millions d’euros pour celles-ci. Tout ce que nous collectons dans ce Groupe permet à la Fondation Teaming de continuer ses efforts. Grâce notamment aux Teamers de ce Groupe, Teaming est 100% gratuit et sans commissions. Notre rêve est qu’un jour grâce à ce Groupe nous puissions être autosuffisants. Aide-nous à aider !

84 509 € récoltés

1 860 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  14/12/2021

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

11 189 € récoltés

221 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  12/06/2022


Grupo voluntario sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a los gatos que llegan a la perrera del Campo de Gibraltar a los hay que comprar pienso, arena, medicamentos, material limpieza..así como facturas veterinarias. Ubicados en la única perrera municipal del Campo de Gibraltar. Sin tu ayuda no podremos ayudarlos a todos, te quitarías de un café ☕ al mes??para nosotros es muchísimo!! AYÚDALOS, con 1€ al mes, en Facebook: Muchas Gracias