Inge Schroeder

Inge Schroeder


Teamer in 8 Groups

Contributes every month: €8 to 8 Groups

Since 25-04-2017 has contributed €351

Groups supported


€54,850 Raised

391 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/04/2017

Animal Fénix B.G

We rescue, save, welcome, cure and maintain abused and abandoned children

€19,428 Raised

469 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/07/2019

Frieden für Pfoten- Peace 4 paws e.V.

Meist sind es die Schwächsten und Wehrlosesten, Kranke und Behinderte, die in Krisengebieten am meisten leiden. Das gilt auch für Tiere. Unsere Organisation möchte ihr Elend lindern, widmet sich den Härtefällen, den kranken, verletzten Tieren, die in ihrem Heimatland keinerlei Chance auf Vermittlung haben.Unser Ziel ist die Unterstützung von Partnerorganisationen und privaten Helfern vor Ort, die Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Dabei brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe !

€5,714 Raised

185 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/08/2019

Cat House Bulgaria

Cat House is a small cat rescue in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Our dedicated team saves street cats from the hard life outside, has them medically treated, vaccinated, neutered and nurtured. We regularly accommodate 60-70 cats, for whom we find loving forever homes in Germany and other European countries. Since we are not an association, we finance ourselves exclusively through donations. With us, every cent goes to the cats!

€11,483 Raised

219 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/02/2020

Help for stray animals in Greece

Hello my dears! As you have already read more often, Eri moves as a single fighter in the mountains in northern Greece day after day quite incredible things and can not be discouraged by difficult conditions. We want to support here and buy food or needed medicines. That's why we need you!

€16,876 Raised

229 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/01/2021


Asociación sin ánimo de lucro* 7GALGOS*, ubicada en Almería y esta dedicada al rescate, recuperación y rehabilitación de los galgos utilizados, maltratados y abandonados en nuestro país.

€169,896 Raised

4,773 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/10/2021

Fundación Benjamín Mehnert

The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...

€7,400 Raised

283 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/05/2022

Vrouva Farm, Greece, Animal Sanctuary

Vrouva Farm is a safe haven for old, abandoned and abused animals on the island of Aegina, Greece. Alexia Papagianni says:"We don't care about different species but are one caring community." On the farm, cows and chicks, dogs and cats, horses and donkeys and many more live together peacefully - at least, most of the time, small communication troubles pending ;-)

€10,203 Raised

132 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/04/2023

SOS Perros de Adra

Trabajamos sin ningún ánimo de lucro por un sueño: Soñamos por una Adra mejor, sin sufrimiento y abandono de animales. Con sólo 1 euro al mes seremos partícipes de este sueño. " Un país, una civilización se puede juzgar por la forma en que trata a sus animales" Gandhi