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An other winter is here and the cats on Kythira need your help now more than ever, PLEASE help me help them and join me here on Teaming and invite your friends to join as well, YOU can make the difference THANKS
I know times are tough for everyone but it makes me very sad that animals will always suffer first, please help me help the abandoned animals on Kythira and join me here on Teaming, on Facebook or visit the website THANKS
Times are very hard at the moment, there's no money coming in but more and more cats need my help .. PLEASE help if you can and donate something extra, visit the website for more information
Wintertime is coming and that means more and more cats will appear at the feeding stations, please help me help them, with only €1,- a month you can make a difference THANKS
Wintertime is coming and that means more and more cats will appear at the feeding stations, please help me help them, with only €1,- a month you can make a difference THANKS
For €5,- a month I can feed 1 cat on Kythira, this will take only 5 teamers .. Thank you for your support
Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.
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