David Fernandez Gonzalez

David Fernandez Gonzalez

Valencia, Espanya

Teamer de 5 Grups

Cada mes aporta 5 € a 5 Grups

Des del 23-04-2020 ha aportat 240 €

Grups on participa


227.289 € Recaptats

3.490 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/04/2020

Open Arms

Open Arms obre els seus braços a les dones, homes, nens, nenes i a totes aquelles persones que fugen de l'horror, a la recerca d'una oportunitat. L'emergència humanitària en el Mediterrani no s'atura i la nostra missió és protegir la vida dels més vulnerables en la mar i en la terra. Treballar a les escoles els DDHH i l'empatia i denunciar totes les injustícies és la nostra missió també. De la teva mà podrem evitar més morts. Ens necessitem. Et necessiten.

66.702 € Recaptats

1.316 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/04/2020

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center

The SJD Pediatric Center is the first monographic centre for paediatric oncology in Spain (2nd in Europe). 70% of the centre is devoted to care and 30% to research. It has the capacity to care for 400 children and youngsters. Its spaces are designed with the emotional well-being of the children and their families in mind. Our aim is that the children have more options to overcome cancer with less after-effects. Your euro helps to carry out the humanisation programmes and new treatments. Will you join us?

62.852 € Recaptats

919 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/04/2020

Wear your wings for the Butterfly Children

Can you imagine being afraid to hug your child? This is how the parents of Butterfly Children feel. A rare and incurable condition, which causes the skin to break with the slightest touch. DEBRA-BUTTERFLY CHILDREN CHARITY works to improve their quality of life. By joining this group you are giving them wings.

17.943 € Recaptats

283 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/04/2020

Rivanimal Asociación de Rivas Vaciamadrid

The members of Rivanimal are committed people and animal lovers. We are especially sensitive to the problem of abandonment and mistreatment of animals, which is why we unite to defend the rights of many pets that deserve a dignified life, an opportunity in a home, and affection that they always repay in spades.

23.042 € Recaptats

209 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/04/2020

Fundación La sonrisa de Alex

Alex padeció sarcoma de Ewing, un cáncer de huesos muy agresivo, falleció con cinco años y siempre con su sonrisa eterna, participo en un ensayo experimental , a pesar que a él no le fue bien, la investigación es fundamental para salvar a estos niños, ayudanos a recaudar fondos para la investigación infantil. Nuestro primer objetivo llegar a 3000 teamers para financiar un proyecto de investigación de oncologia pediátrica personalizada.