Alicia Percaz

Navarra, Espanya

Teamer de 8 Grups

Cada mes aporta 8 € a 8 Grups

Des del 13-02-2021 ha aportat 196 €

Grups on participa


174.435 € Recaptats

2.561 Teamers

Teamer des de:  13/02/2021

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Water For Yemen

Donem AIGUA POTABLE a famílies al Iemen, desplaçades de les seves llars per la guerra de més de 8 anys. Yemen és la major emergència humanitària del planeta i peteix epidèmia de còlera i una mortalitat infantil esgarrifosa. Amb el teu EURO comprem i omplim DIPÒSITS D'AIGUA en camps de desplaçats i en escoles. Ja en tenim 50 en 4 camps i 5 escoles, i més de 9000 persenes tenen aigua. (800.000 litres/mes). El Iemen necessita més aigua! 1€ =101 litres al nord i 129 al sud. UNEIX-TE, ens faltes tu!

227.289 € Recaptats

3.490 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2022

Open Arms

Open Arms obre els seus braços a les dones, homes, nens, nenes i a totes aquelles persones que fugen de l'horror, a la recerca d'una oportunitat. L'emergència humanitària en el Mediterrani no s'atura i la nostra missió és protegir la vida dels més vulnerables en la mar i en la terra. Treballar a les escoles els DDHH i l'empatia i denunciar totes les injustícies és la nostra missió també. De la teva mà podrem evitar més morts. Ens necessitem. Et necessiten.

78.852 € Recaptats

1.063 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2022

Crédito y Caución amb els Bancs d'Aliments

This group was brought about to help the food banks. The idea is simple: if you join us, for each euro donated each month, the Occident Foundation will donate another to buy food, up to a maximum of 100.000 euros, while the unemployment rate remains higher than 15%.

27.359 € Recaptats

1.064 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2022

Hugo, cree en ti

Hola, soy Hugo Dato. Un mal diagnóstico pediátrico durante el confinamiento me causó un infarto y una lesión cerebral con tan sólo 15 meses. Ahora lucho por volver a ser el que era. Sin embargo, la seguridad social apenas cubre mis tratamientos de rehabilitación, y por eso mis papás están llevando a cabo esta campaña de recaudación de fondos. ¿Me ayudas?

33.984 € Recaptats

1.437 Teamers

Teamer des de:  23/02/2022

Fight against malnutrition | Doctors Without Borders

Every year, more than three million children under the age of five die from malnutrition or malnutrition-related causes worldwide. Our main challenge is to treat as many children with severe acute malnutrition as possible, particularly in unstable or conflict-affected contexts. We will dedicate your contributions to the most urgent projects.

23.123 € Recaptats

895 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/03/2022

Teaming 4 Ucrania

Since the beginning of the conflict, we created this group to help Ukrainian people who were affected by the war. Now, through the Red Cross, we support people who were forced to flee and have arrived in Spain. But also to those who stayed in the country by sending humanitarian aid and social assistance on the ground through the same entity.

10.749 € Recaptats

282 Teamers

Teamer des de:  24/11/2022


PREVENTION OF CHILD SUICIDES IN SOUTH SUDAN. IMPACTED BY THE DESPERATE SITUATION OF FAMINE, WE DEDICATE THIS GROUP TO THE PREVENTION AND CARE OF THESE CHILDREN. Circus and acrobatics to create a safe place to guarantee a meal a day, plant fruit trees that provide food for future generations, fight for free education and school meals, bikes so that girls can continue studying without getting married, music and arts as a means sanction and transformation... JOIN US!

42.916 € Recaptats

377 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/02/2023

Tod@s con Siria

Nearly 12 years of war in Syria have left a country devastated, and worse, millions of lives destroyed. But now a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.6 hits the northwest of the country and the southeast of Turkey on February 6, leaving more than 4,000 lives in both countries. From the Islamic Relief Foundation we are on the ground providing cash grants so that those most affected can meet their immediate needs.