Ourense, Spain
Teaming Manager in 1 Groups
Teamer in 4 Groups
Contributes every month: €5 to 5 Groups
Since 18-06-2021 has contributed €159
Teaming Manager since: 09/12/2021
Nuestra residencia funciona también como centro de acogida. Nuestra pasión por los animales nos lleva ayudarles en todo lo posible,por ello, colaboramos con asociaciones y protectoras albergando perros rescatados. Nuestra labor consiste en que vuelvan a confiar en ellos mismos,olvidando todo el daño causado antes de llegar a nuestro centro. El cariño, la paciencia y una buena sociabilizacion es la base para abrirles la puerta a una segunda oportunidad. Nos echas una mano con sus gastos?
Teamer since: 09/12/2021
People who dedicate ourselves body and soul to the rescue, to give a voice to those doggy souls who suffer abandonment, abuse, neglect ... This fight is part of us and part of you, thank you all who help us, who support us and are part of it. Everything is by and for them.
Teamer since: 10/12/2021
Latidos Podencos es una Asociacion sin animo de lucro. Dedicados a al rescate de podencos y otros animales abandonados y maltratados. Nuestra labor esta en la calle, las perreras. Una de las razones fundamentales por las que necesitamos tu ayuda es porque todos nuestros perros rescatados estan en Residencias o Guarderias. No tenemos instalaciones. Cada rescate supone un coste mensual de Residencia o Guarderia, ademas del gasto veterinario que lleva cada perro.
Teamer since: 10/12/2021
The AGALLAs asociation is a non-profit organization made up of people concerned about the animal's welfare. We focus on raising awareness of animal welfare while offering homes to animals in distress while we cannot find them a home, the association and the animals are the reflection of an ideal of wich you can be a part. These little aids are the pieces whitout that puzzle could not be completed. Thank you.
Teamer since: 29/09/2023
Hello! With this group we want to raise funds to help associations, or particular person who decide to adopt and save the dogs that are in the kennel but can not afford the price of the release and transport to their new home. Unfortunately the Ribeira kennel is always full and we need your help.