Xavi Marti

Barcelona, Spagna

Teamer in 6 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 6 € a 6 Gruppi

Da 14-02-2018 ha contribuito 281 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


2.929 € Totale raccolto

48 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/02/2018

Little House of Alf

This teaming has been set up to fund the rescuing and relocation of animals. Mainly for travel to where they are and then to be able to take them on from there, also for food or medicine/vets while they stay with us until their final foreverhome... We cant cope with the costs...And their lives lituarlly depend on us. Thankyou so much for helping... We will demonstrate every liberation wherever posible... So you can see them progress... Xx

52.822 € Totale raccolto

429 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/11/2018


We are an association formed by volunteers who love these little beings that one day sneaked into our lives. We help to feed and control colonies of cats in Barcelona, rescuing and giving up abandoned puppies and adult cats. We want to raise awareness about respect and responsible ownership as the only way to solve the dramatic situation of homeless cats. You can be part of this, cheer up.

3.668 € Totale raccolto

81 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/12/2019

Sakura paradise sanctuary

After more than 25 years helping animals in distress, I decided to create our sanctuary in order to help many more beings people in need. For us it has already made it a mission to save as many little angels as we can and give them the best life possible. We are a small sanctuary but with great desire and great goals to help animals, so your help would be very good for us. One euro a month for you may be nothing, but for us it means saving lives. Can you help us?

8.023 € Totale raccolto

193 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/01/2022

Plataforma NAC

Somos una asociación apartidista, aconfesional y antiespecista sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo fundamental objetivo es concienciar y promover el respeto y los intereses individuales de los animales no humanos, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la caza, así como hacer valer y ampliar sus derechos. Precisamos financiación para nuestras actividades.

6.695 € Totale raccolto

92 Teamer

Teamer da:  30/03/2022

Associació Ànimanimal Sitges

Somos una asociación que hace muchos años que lucha por el bienestar de los animales, por desgracia el número de animales abandonados o maltratados aumenta cada día, estamos desbordados. Trabajamos con casas de acogida y residencias... porque no tenemos refugio propio. Necesitamos ayuda para financiar los gastos veterinarios, comida, esterilizaciones, TU PUEDES AYUDARLOS pon tu granito de arena y su futuro será mejor. UN EURO = A 1 VIDA

5.398 € Totale raccolto

121 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/04/2022

VoluntaCAAD Associació de Voluntaris del CAAD Penedès Garraf

Our Objectives 1- Encourage respect and good treatment towards animals, wild and domestic in particular. 2- To improve the conditions and the quality of life of the animals of the CAAD Penedès-Garraf. 3- Raise awareness and involve the population with the responsible possession of pets. 4- Reduce the number of animals that live in the CAAD and also reduce the number of animals that enter it. 5- Manage a network of foster homes and support adopters and foster families.