Tisal Sang


Teamer de 2 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 2 € para 2 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 01-02-2021 contribuiu 76 €

Grupos de que participa


9 980 € Arrecadados

245 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/08/2021

Association Stéphane LAMART "Pour la défense des droits des animaux"

Hungry, thirsty, mistreated or abandoned, animals unfortunately do not have the power to ask for help. This is why the Stéphane Lamart association acts daily to defend them, to take care of them, to welcome them in its shelters, and to find them a new family. All these actions are possible thanks to your unconditional support, indeed, we have no help from the State to ensure our rescues. We live only thanks to your generosity.

4 589 € Arrecadados

419 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/05/2023

SANA 8800 Michael Chour

Soutenons Michael Chour, qui dédie sa vie pour les sauvetages des chiens du commerce de viande de chiens au Cambodge et des chiens errants et blessés des rues de Thaïlande. This group is to help Michael Chour, dedicated to rescuing dogs from the dog meat trade in Cambodia and stray and injured dogs from the streets of Thailand.