Timea Papp


Teamer in 5 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 5 € für 5 Gruppen

Seit 13-03-2019 gespendet: 189 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


31.869 € Gespendet

478 Teamer

Teamer seit:  13/03/2019

TAC.social Romania

To donate 1€ a month, please sign up with an e-mail address and a credit card. Your bank will withdraw the equivalent of 1€, monthly. There is no commission, all transactions are encrypted and thus secure. Pentru a deveni microdonator TAC, vă creați un cont, cu o adresă de e-mail și datele unui card bancar, o singură dată. Banca dvs. va retrage lunar echivalentul a 1 euro/4,9 lei, fără să mai fie nevoie să reveniți aici. Orice nelămurire: hello@tac.social

1.445 € Gespendet

59 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/11/2020

Tierschutz Cezar e.V.

Die Tierschützerin Laura Cristea kümmert sich um Straßenhunde und -katzen in Rumänien, die ohne ihre Hilfe kaum eine Überlebenschance hätten. Seit September 2013 betreibt die gelernte Tierarzthelferin ein Tierheim in Huedin in der Region Siebenbürgen (Rumänien). Anfang 2016 gründete sie den Verein „Asociatia Pentru Protectia Animalelor Cezar“. Doch ohne Unterstützung kann sie ihre so wichtige Arbeit nicht fortsetzen. Der deutsche Tierschutz Cezar e.V. unterstützt Lauras Arbeit.

3.845 € Gespendet

69 Teamer

Teamer seit:  08/04/2021

Bear Again - Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center

Since 2004 our project has rehabilitated and released into the wild over 150 orphan brown bear cubs in need from all over Europe. It's the only project of its kind on the continent. If not for our project, these cubs would face a lifetime of captivity in zoos, sanctuaries, or even worse, they would be euthanized. Your donation helps us recover more cubs in need, provide them with food, medical assistance, tracking equipment after release, and cover expenses of transport and other necessities

750 € Gespendet

23 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/10/2021

TNR Cluj - Cazari pisici

This group has been created to raise money for the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) of the Romanian street cats from the city of Cluj. 'Nuca Animal Welfare' is helping by taking care of the neutering costs and with the costs of the post-op hospitalization of 20 cats/month, but for the post-op care of all the other cats, the volunteers have to pay themselves 40 RON (8€)/night/cat. We hope to help cover part of these costs so that their activity can continue.

5.723 € Gespendet

99 Teamer

Teamer seit:  01/03/2022

Dogs on Hills Romania

Suntem o echipă mică cu vise mari, facem reabilitare comportamentală canină și credem cu tărie că nici cei mai speriați câini nu sunt irecuperabili. Credem în adopții responsabile, și toată energia, toată munca și tot sufletul nostru sunt îndreptate către câinii aceia care sunt așa de îngroziți de om, că nici nu se ridică de jos.