Sihame Maaroufi


Teaming manager de 2 Grupos

Teamer de 2 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 4 € a 4 Grupos

Desde el 29-12-2022 ha aportado 64 €

Grupos que lidera


4.062 € Recaudados

169 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  27/10/2023

WOLFY & FRIENDS ANIMAL RESCUE - Mejdouline & Marwan Fares' shelter, Morocco

Initially created by Mejdouline Fares to help her rescue animals in distress from the streets of Morocco, the group is now dedicated to providing for them until they find a family. Indeed, Mejdouline died accidentally in May 2023, leaving around a hundred dogs orphaned. In memory of his sister, Marwan couldn't abandon them and took over the shelter, alone, determined to keep Mejdouline's dream alive and protect those she called "her babies".

303 € Recaudados

37 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  23/04/2024


Our Street Animals est dédié à la protection animale au Maroc. La condition animale est très compliquée au Maroc, vivre sur le terrain est très dur, mais c'est ce qui permet à Feezora d'agir. - Plus de 35 chiens sauvés de la rue - Une centaines de chiens/chats errants nourris durant les tournées quotidiennes (ils sont si nombreux !)

Grupos en los que participa


5.546 € Recaudados

191 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/12/2022

Golesti Focsani Bacau stray dogs - Association Dogs rescued at last minute

Our association Loulous Sauvés in Extremis (LSIE) rescues dogs on kill list or in great danger in Romanian public shelters and also offer safe sheltering to stray dogs, injured dogs, puppies abandonned with or without mothers. Every month, dogs are put in sanitary order to join families in France or Belgium Your Euro is the first link of this solidarity chain. You can also donate on our page for specific actions (fb : @louloussauves). YOUR EURO CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Thank you for your support

2.443 € Recaudados

85 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/12/2022


The aim of this group is to collect in order to organise sterilisation campaigns in cooperation with our partner shelters in Romania, in Focsani and Bacau Your monthly donation will be directed to this purpose only. Please join us to participate in the reduction of the awful animal(dogs and cats) living conditions in Romania