Sam Wilson

Reino Unido

Teaming manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 8 Grupos

Cada mes aporta: 8 € a 8 Grupos

Desde el 24-01-2021 ha aportado 282 €

Grupos que lidera


5.116 € Recaudados

142 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  24/01/2021

Friends of George Stray Dogs

George Orfanidis has been rescuing animals in Crete, Greece for 25 years. He has around 120 dogs at his shelter. George often takes disabled animals or those requiring expensive surgery or with an ongoing need for medication for diseases such as leishmaniasis, who might otherwise struggle to find the safety of a shelter and are hard to find homes for. With George they find safety and love. We are on Facebook and Instagram Facebook link -

Grupos en los que participa


1.952 € Recaudados

49 Teamers

Teamer desde:  27/03/2021

Vaso Shelter Gargalianoi Messinia Greece Non Profit

Vaso has a shelter in her home town of Gargalianoi Greece about 70 km from Kalamata where she cares and protects for 60 dogs and 28 cats in her shelter and the strays in her town. She has been rescuing Greek animals for nearly 20 years. She struggles to meet the daily costs for food and medicines let alone vet care . These animals have all been saved from the streets many pregnant or abused in unspeakable ways or as puppies Teaming will help Vaso meet some of their needs.

2.300 € Recaudados

81 Teamers

Teamer desde:  04/04/2021

Strays of my Soul by Maria Fragkouli Kreta

Maria Fragkouli lives in Ierapetra on Crete and takes devoted care of stray dogs and cats. Maria currently has more than 75 dogs and about 25 cats in her garden and in her apartment in Dog Village, the new shelter. She also takes care of many other street animals and provides them with food and, if necessary, takes them to the veterinarian. Maria urgently needs our support in caring for the street animals. Please help. The animals need food, med. Care, neutering etc. and a loving home.

3.845 € Recaudados

104 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/07/2021

The Soi Dog Foundation

Fundación Soi Dog rescata y cuida de miles de perros cada año. Usted puede ayudar a un perro salvando su vida de la muerte segura. El comercio de la carne de perros es una realidad, miles de perros son robados en las calles de Tailandia. Son metidos en jaulas de alambre que apenas pueden respirar, aterrorizados viajan sin comida y sin agua. Torturados y hervidos vivos, sus pieles arrancadas de sus cuerpos en trenzado con la creencia que dará mejor sabor a su carne.

5.615 € Recaudados

259 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/06/2022

Norma's Universum

Norma's Universum is een dierenopvang in Noordhorn waar Norma Miedema de zorg draagt voor gemiddeld 200 dieren, variërend van vogels, pluimvee, koeien, varkens, paarden, honden, katten, geiten en schapen. Deze dieren zijn verwaarloosd, mishandeld en afgedankt, vaak zijn ze ziek en in sommige gevallen (zwaar) gehandicapt. Norma vangt ze op in liefde en zorgt dat ze niets te kort komen. Norma's Universum is volledig afhankelijk van donaties en iedere € telt!! Steun Norma en haar dieren en doneer.

52.936 € Recaudados

892 Teamers

Teamer desde:  22/12/2022

Galgos del Sol

Galgos del Sol es una protectora situada en Murcia, España. Nos dedicamos a rescatar galgos abandonados y heridos para rehabilitarlos y encontrarles hogares para siempre en diferentes partes del mundo. Miles de galgos son abandonados o asesinados cada año al final de la temporada de caza. Galgos del Sol depende totalmente de donaciones para su supervivencia únete a nuestro grupo y cambia las vidas de muchos de ellos. Muchas gracias.

171 € Recaudados

5 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/01/2023

Paws In Our Hearts Bosnian Dog Rescue

Paws In Our Hearts is a rescue for dogs in Bosnia run by one woman, Samira Gagula, who saves dogs from kill shelters or the streets. She is currently looking after 78 dogs and we struggle to raise enough money every month for food, let alone for vaccines, straw for bedding, vets bills etc. Please help us to help these abused and terrified dogs who are unlikely to ever have a warm loving home of their own.

635 € Recaudados

35 Teamers

Teamer desde:  11/02/2023



1.696 € Recaudados

97 Teamers

Teamer desde:  02/08/2023

Gouves Animal Shelter

The Gouves Animal Shelter, is a non-profit, donation only charity. We have saved 1000's of animals. We only survive with donations, we tend to rely in the summer on tourism, but coronavirus has made this difficult. Now we are being evicted from our land and need to raise money to move our shelter with around 160 dogs and 80 cats. We are trying to make the impossible, possible.