Roberta Mura

Roberta Mura


Teamer de 4 Grups

Des del 10-11-2020 ha aportat 89 €

Grups on participa


82.273 € Recaptats

1.688 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/11/2020

Santuario Capra Libera Tutti

The Animal Sanctuary Capra Libera Tutti is a place where animals which are usually considered as products are saved from exploitation and slaughter and find refuge. About 400 animals live in complete freedom, here they are not considered neither ingredients nor products. For their maintenance, for medical care and for the preservation of the facilities, constant help is needed to ensure that this place can continue to exist and resist. The total costs exceed 250 euros per day.

11.160 € Recaptats

210 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/02/2021

Save the Dogs and other Animals

Save the Dogs’ fully integrated activities aim to eradicate strays in the south-eastern regions of Romania, restoring dignity to thousands of abandoned animals by rescuing and taking care of them, having them sterilized and then placing them with adoptive families. Save the Dogs also launched Too Many Puppies, in 2019, a program dedicated to preventing an increase in the number of stray dogs in southern Italy and from 2021 a street unit assists dogs belonging to homeless people in Milan.

27.764 € Recaptats

334 Teamers

Teamer des de:  09/04/2022

Protectora de Animales y Plantas "SARA"

SARA lleva desde 1986 ayudando a los animales abandonados de la isla de Lanzarote, dándoles cobijo, curándolos y encontrándoles hogares donde sean felices. Actualmente lo formamos un grupo de amantes de los animales que hacemos lo imposible por seguir adelante y sobretodo hacer que las cosas cambien concienciando a la población con campañas de sensibilización. Para ello, es necesaria toda la colaboración económica que sea posible ya que, en estos momentos mantenemos a casi 400 animales.

29.298 € Recaptats

2.777 Teamers

Teamer des de:  27/04/2023

Asociación Chemaysumanada

Ayuda a gatos callejeros y otros animales.