Paloma Navas

Valencia, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 1 Groups

Contributes every month: €2 to 2 Groups

Since 28-02-2022 has contributed €51

Groups led


€72,071 Raised

984 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   28/02/2022

Wear your wings for the Butterfly Children

Can you imagine being afraid to hug your child? This is how the parents of Butterfly Children feel. A rare and incurable condition, which causes the skin to break with the slightest touch. DEBRA-BUTTERFLY CHILDREN CHARITY works to improve their quality of life. By joining this group you are giving them wings.

Groups supported


€27,094 Raised

759 Teamers

Teamer since:  15/10/2023

Almas Veganas Santuario Animal

Almas veganas Santuario Animal es una ong antiespecista, feminista y libertaria. Estamos recaudando para crear un Santuario, totalmente ecológico, con el mínimo impacto ambiental y respeto a la naturaleza. Rescatar animales considerados de granja, para darles una vida digna dentro de un espacio dónde poder recuperarse físicamente y emocionalmente, proporcionándoles alimentos, atención,cuidados veterinarios, tranquilidad y amor. Y desde el santuario concienciar sobre una vida ética.