
Teamer in 5 Groups

Since 14-03-2018 has contributed €74

Groups supported


€5,965 Raised

106 Teamers

Teamer since:  14/03/2018

Association Cheval Espoir 38

The Association Cheval Espoir 38 has been fighting since 2009 to hear the silent neighing of thousands of equids driven to the slaughterhouse, mistreated, or abandoned in terrible conditions. The refuge has 30 hectares of meadows where animals can recover, but without your help the association can not survive. The 13 residents of the shelter need you for daily care, fresh veto, food. 1 € / month is nothing but multiplied by 20, 50 or 200 it's huge.

€1,496 Raised

34 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/08/2019

Cats of our hearts 51: a dignified life for our street cats

Hello cat friends, WE are a small association in France that deals with feline wildlife. Our main actions are: -the regulation of stray cats with sterilization campaigns - rescue of cats in danger, hurt or sick - rescuing kittens or pregnant females with eventually adoptions for a better life away from the street Unfortunately without means we can not move forward. Thanks to your donations we will be able to save more lives! thank you

€1,111 Raised

29 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/07/2020

Farm of Animals Saved from Death

We save animals from the slaughterhouse and the abuse, there are many in our farm to expect families, meanwhile we must feed them, care for them and bring them everything they need. We have many seniors who ask for more supplements, for their comforts and help them live better and longer. We regularly save other animals threatened by death. Save them and then give them the necessary care and make them taste happiness!

€912 Raised

18 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/07/2020


Hello, you are on Aristochats51 teaming. Here you can donate 1 € / me to help us take care of the cats / kittens that we will take care of. Thanks for them !

€1,895 Raised

37 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/08/2020

Défense & Protection des Animaux - Refuge de Thiernay

Fondée par la princesse Elisabeth de Croÿ en 1973, la DPA, association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique depuis 1982, œuvre pour la protection animale en Nièvre notamment grâce à son refuge, le refuge de Thiernay. Chaque année, ce sont plus de 700 chiens et chats qui trouvent une famille et qui écrivent à leur tour autant de belles histoires. Nous effectuons les enquêtes et retraits pour maltraitance animale sur le département et intervenons auprès des animaux perdus en tant que fourrière.