
Teamer in 3 Groups

Contributes every month: €3 to 3 Groups

Since 19-07-2018 has contributed €194

Groups supported


€3,124 Raised

44 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/07/2018

La Fattoria di Amélie onlus

La Fattoria di Amélie onlus è un rifugio per animali considerati da reddito, salvati da abbandoni, sfruttamento, maltrattamenti e, naturalmente, dal mattatoio. Le spese che affrontiamo sono molte, dalle strutture al mantenimento degli animali e relative cure veterinarie. Gli animali qui vivono una vita felice, lontani dallo sfruttamento, quindi non produrranno mai reddito e il rifugio si autofinanzia attraverso eventi, attività, ma soprattutto grazie all'aiuto di chi crede in questo progetto.

€15,098 Raised

452 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/03/2020

Prijedor Emergency - daily food for dogs in shelter in Bosnia

We created this group to build a base of donations in order to guarantee daily food to the 500 dogs that live in our sanctuary in Prijedor, (BIH). Our dogs eat almost 6 tons of dry and canned food per day and the cost is 9000 Euros per month. With this group we want to show that difference can made by a single Euro per month. If many people join we can do much for the dogs we saved. Prijedor Emergency is a ONG helping bosnian dogs from italy. Please Share

€8,149 Raised

219 Teamers

Teamer since:  26/03/2020

Vitadacani è: 4 rifugi, quasi 500 animali, più di 10 specie diverse.

Porcikomodi is one the the largest, oldest and most populated animal sanctuaries that protects animals rescued from the meat industry in Italy. The sanctuary in Magnago (Mi) provides home for: • approx. 42 pigs • approx. 100 sheep and goats • 4 bovines • 4 equines • approx. 40 disabled barnyard birds. More info on www.vitadacani.org