Maria Cristina Manuppelli

Maria Cristina Manuppelli


Teamer in 7 Groups

Contributes every month: €6 to 6 Groups

Since 29-08-2019 has contributed €288

Groups supported


€82,273 Raised

1,688 Teamers

Teamer since:  30/08/2019

Santuario Capra Libera Tutti

The Animal Sanctuary Capra Libera Tutti is a place where animals which are usually considered as products are saved from exploitation and slaughter and find refuge. About 400 animals live in complete freedom, here they are not considered neither ingredients nor products. For their maintenance, for medical care and for the preservation of the facilities, constant help is needed to ensure that this place can continue to exist and resist. The total costs exceed 250 euros per day.

€14,390 Raised

306 Teamers

Teamer since:  07/01/2020

Randagi della Ferrovia - Taurianova (south of Italy)

We are a small charity association in Taurianova (RC) - south of Italy. We currently host around 80 homeless dogs to whom we provide care, food and lots of love, hoping to find them a family forever! We also take care of those that we can't accomodate in our shelter due to lack of space, monitoring them and guaranteeing them veterinary care if necessary, with the aim of finding them a temporary home until we can welcome them.

€3,481 Raised

74 Teamers

Teamer since:  08/01/2020


I live in Sicily, a land where unfortunately stray animals are the masters. Every day I dedicate part of my day to feeding dogs and cats that have no owners. I do all this by myself and this involves a waste of physical and economic energy. Register and join the group it only takes a few steps and by doing so you can help the Association even from afar by donating ONLY 1 € / month for pets food, no taxes or additional costs, the idea is good, but you need to be many. thank you

€739 Raised

19 Teamers

Teamer since:  22/02/2020

Le colonie di Maria Grazia Francia

October 2020 The emergency for the feline colonies followed by Maria Grazia is always current. We need baby food and treats, aid for veterinary expenses, sand, food for dogs ... because she is in serious difficulty, has serious health problems, does not have a job and thinks of us kittens alone ... always. ..Help her! You can contact her via WhatsAPP or SMS or a phone call at +393281243797 or at +393892616436. If she doesn't answer, try again! This is her email

€4,294 Raised

81 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/07/2020

1 €,for abandoned cats and dogs of Naples

Questo gruppo per integrazione stallo degli ultimi del canile dei 400 . aiutaci ad aiutarli

€36,353 Raised

1,120 Teamers

Teamer since:  04/07/2021

associazione animalisti attivi Odv - catanzaro

Sono un Veterinario e a Catanzaro gestisco una piccola associazione che si occupa di gatti randagi feriti, malati e disabili. Li curiamo e restano con noi finché non trovano una casa adatta. Di solito abbiamo in media 80/90 ospiti. SEGUITECU sui social come @lillypullano o in pagina fb. Il teaming è l'unico aiuto che abbiamo per salvarli♥️

€16,385 Raised

831 Teamers

Teamer since:  10/06/2022


A small corner of the world, where individuals of different species live together and fight side by side, against all forms of abuse. The Nelloporcello antispecist Sanctuary, where live Animals that survived the food industry (pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits), is a project that belongs to "L'Arcobaleno di Olivia", an association for the protection of animal rights, promoting a antispecist , vegan and cruelty free lifestyle.