Maola Varalli


Teamer de 16 Grups

Cada mes aporta 16 € a 16 Grups

Des del 03-03-2016 ha aportat 1.776 €

Grups on participa


160.642 € Recaptats

4.621 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/04/2016

Fundación Benjamín Mehnert

The Benjamín Mehnert Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the situation of pet animals that suffer abuse or neglect in our country, focusing mainly on the rescue, recovery and relocation of greyhounds in family homes, providing them a new opportunity as pets. Although mainly we are dedicated to the recovery of greyhounds, currently in our refuge live more than 700 animals...

63.968 € Recaptats

794 Teamers

Teamer des de:  02/05/2016

Scooby Medina

For more than 30 years, Scooby has been providing shelter to abandoned and mistreated animals. In the 90's we brought to light the atrocities inflicted on galgos (Spanish greyhounds). At present, we are the biggest shelter in Spain, currently homing more than 1000 dogs and cats and 200 farm animals. Our resources are very limited and we depend mainly on the donations. Please, join us so we can continue saving lives and providing these animals with the future they deserve.

2.758 € Recaptats

66 Teamers

Teamer des de:  05/05/2016

BRYAN'S LEVRIERI RESCUE-Safeguard of Greyhounds Galgos, Podencos and Borzoy

"Bryan's Levrieri Rescue" is a voluntary association (based in Rome) founded with the aim of spreading in Italy and Europe the maltreatment situation in which thousands of Galgos and Podencos Spanish greyhounds and also the Russian Borzoy are found each year. We support local volunteers, to ensure care, maintenance and appropriate adoptions to any rescued dog.

45.391 € Recaptats

855 Teamers

Teamer des de:  26/08/2016

Galgos del Sol

Galgos del Sol is a non profit charity located in Murcia, Spain. We are dedicated to rescue abandoned and injured galgos to rehabilitate them and find them forever homes in different parts of the world. Thousands of galgos are abandoned or killed each year at the end of the hunting season. Galgos del Sol depends totally on donations for our survival, join our group and change the lives of many of them. Thank you.

2.241 € Recaptats

23 Teamers

Teamer des de:  07/11/2016

ConFido in te Spagna Onlus

ConFido in te Onlus è un'associazione che si occupa di tutela degli animali. In particolare l'associazione riscatta cani e gatti dalle perreras spagnole, dove verrebbero soppressi dopo 10 giorni di permanenza. Poi cerchiamo adozione in Italia. ConFido in te Onlus is an Italian association whose purpose is animals safeguard. Main task of the association is rescuing cats and dogs from the Spanish perreras, where they would be killed after a 10-day stay. Then we look for an adoption in Italy.

1.569 € Recaptats

15 Teamers

Teamer des de:  11/01/2017


LA ZAMPA NEL CUORE Onlus recover abandoned animals destined to die of hunger, thirst, wounds, mistreatment or disease. Operates mainly in Calabria, since 2013 it has recovered more than 2,500 dogs and cats, treated and given for adoption. It deals with sensitizing individuals and institutions to the practice of sterilization, the only solution to limit stray dogs. It feeds strays living in safe places and feline colonies every day.

10.525 € Recaptats

162 Teamers

Teamer des de:  03/02/2017


Insieme per FBM - Proteggiamo i Levrieri has been engaged for years in the greyhound cause, represents and supports in Italy the Fundacion Benjamin Mehnert of Seville, a structure engaged in the rescue and psychophysical recovery of Galgos (Spanish Greyhounds) exploited in racing and hunting, home about 700 dogs . With this group we raise funds for our dog maintenance activities and the structure itself. We thank you already for your help! Bring a Greyhound into your life

2.867 € Recaptats

51 Teamers

Teamer des de:  22/04/2017

Un Atto D'Amore Onlus

Onlus dalla parte degli animali. Raccogliamo fondi per le emergenze su territorio Nazionale

841 € Recaptats

21 Teamers

Teamer des de:  02/10/2017


…………….Un’associazione di volontariato ODV che si occupa di far adottare Border Collie/Collie e incroci di queste razze, abbandonati, in pericolo, nei canili o in cerca di casa. Non ci interessa il motivo per cui lo sono, non siamo qui per giudicare, ma siamo qui per aiutare. Perché Border’s Angels & Collie Rescue? …………………… Perché noi siamo gli Angeli dei Border e dei Collie ……………… Loro sono energia, moto perpetuo, dedizione, lavoro, intelligenza, amicizia, devozione e amore !

47.648 € Recaptats

1.132 Teamers

Teamer des de:  07/10/2019

Centro Recupero Ricci La Ninna

The "La Ninna" Hedgehogs Recovery Center is located in Piedmont in Novello, in the province of Cuneo in the Langhe and is a center specialized in curing the European hedgehog, in their preservation in order to reinsert them (when possible) in nature in their habitat. The idea of ​​creating a place to care for and assist the hedgehogs was born following the discovery of an orphaned hog of a few grams "Ninna", taken care of by the veterinarian Massimo Vacchetta.

10.756 € Recaptats

208 Teamers

Teamer des de:  07/10/2019

Save the Dogs and other Animals

Save the Dogs’ fully integrated activities aim to eradicate strays in the south-eastern regions of Romania, restoring dignity to thousands of abandoned animals by rescuing and taking care of them, having them sterilized and then placing them with adoptive families. Save the Dogs also launched Too Many Puppies, in 2019, a program dedicated to preventing an increase in the number of stray dogs in southern Italy and from 2021 a street unit assists dogs belonging to homeless people in Milan.

14.234 € Recaptats

459 Teamers

Teamer des de:  27/03/2020

Prijedor Emergency - daily food for dogs in shelter in Bosnia

We created this group to build a base of donations in order to guarantee daily food to the 500 dogs that live in our sanctuary in Prijedor, (BIH). Our dogs eat almost 6 tons of dry and canned food per day and the cost is 9000 Euros per month. With this group we want to show that difference can made by a single Euro per month. If many people join we can do much for the dogs we saved. Prijedor Emergency is a ONG helping bosnian dogs from italy. Please Share

391 € Recaptats

6 Teamers

Teamer des de:  03/11/2020

Un Atto d'Amore Onlus per spese spedizione cibo volontari UADA

ogni mese spediamo cibo ai volontari , sono spese considerevoli se potete aiutarci noi continueremo a farlo Grazie

771 € Recaptats

49 Teamers

Teamer des de:  13/11/2020

I Pelosetti del Mare In ricordo di Zenzero

Mi occupo di sfamare, curare e cercare adozioni per i gatti randagi del Lido di Tarquinia VT

2.343 € Recaptats

100 Teamers

Teamer des de:  11/03/2021

Gli stradini alessandrini

Ciao sono Cristina. Mi occupo da anni di randagi. Ho una colonia felina censita una tessera regolare da gattara Inoltre ho numerosi gatti miei tra cui uno malato di peritonite infettiva che sto curando da mesi con il farmaco GS Sono un infermiera. Sono sola. Non sono in associazione per cui non godo dei benefici che hanno le stesse. Ovvero 5/1000 o possibilità di raccogliere cibo nei negozi specializzati Vi chiedo una mano per accudire e curare i miei gatti. ♥️

8.904 € Recaptats

314 Teamers

Teamer des de:  06/10/2023

Baffi Randagi

Siamo un'associazione no profit che si occupa di salvare, sfamare, curare e far adottare tanti gatti Randagi. Siamo poche volontarie ma ogni giorno ci tiriamo su le maniche e facciamo il possibile per aiutare i Baffetti Randagi... Aiutaci ad aiutarli! Miao a tutti