Lola Cambrodi

Lola Cambrodi

Barcelona, Espanya

Teamer de 6 Grups

Cada mes aporta 5 € a 5 Grups

Des del 13-04-2020 ha aportat 225 €

Grups on participa


1.978 € Recaptats

45 Teamers

Teamer des de:  14/04/2020

Daniel necesita tratamiento

Daniel is five years old, lives in Uganda and in 2019 he had a stroke. Since then he can barely move his left arm and leg. He is on chronic medication, he needs splints, jabs... which the Ugandan healthcare system does not take on, the cost is on the family, which barely manages to subsist. We need your help so that this little one can continue to grow up happily and, like our children, have the right to health care and treatment.

227.289 € Recaptats

3.490 Teamers

Teamer des de:  19/04/2020

Open Arms

Open Arms obre els seus braços a les dones, homes, nens, nenes i a totes aquelles persones que fugen de l'horror, a la recerca d'una oportunitat. L'emergència humanitària en el Mediterrani no s'atura i la nostra missió és protegir la vida dels més vulnerables en la mar i en la terra. Treballar a les escoles els DDHH i l'empatia i denunciar totes les injustícies és la nostra missió també. De la teva mà podrem evitar més morts. Ens necessitem. Et necessiten.

3.506 € Recaptats

95 Teamers

Teamer des de:  22/04/2020

SFT Animal Sanctuary of Tangier (Morocco)

The abandoned animals in Tangier (Morocco) need our help!! SFT provides shelter and care for hundreds of animal, both those in the shelter and in the streets. This is our teaming group. Please, hep us with a small montly donation of 1 € , 1 USD, 1 GBP....

11.294 € Recaptats

443 Teamers

Teamer des de:  21/01/2021

Arrels Fundació (Official)

Atenem i orientem les persones que viuen als carrers de Barcelona. Les acompanyem per aconseguir una vida el més autònoma possible cobrint les necessitats bàsiques, proporcionant atenció social i garantint allotjament a aquelles que es troben en una situació més vulnerable. També treballem per sensibilitzar la ciutadania, denunciar situacions injustes i aportar solucions per fer possible #ningúdormintalcarrer. Fes-te Teamer i col·labora aportant 1 euro al mes!

33.984 € Recaptats

1.437 Teamers

Teamer des de:  17/03/2021

Fight against malnutrition | Doctors Without Borders

Every year, more than three million children under the age of five die from malnutrition or malnutrition-related causes worldwide. Our main challenge is to treat as many children with severe acute malnutrition as possible, particularly in unstable or conflict-affected contexts. We will dedicate your contributions to the most urgent projects.

23.123 € Recaptats

895 Teamers

Teamer des de:  10/03/2022

Teaming 4 Ucrania

Since the beginning of the conflict, we created this group to help Ukrainian people who were affected by the war. Now, through the Red Cross, we support people who were forced to flee and have arrived in Spain. But also to those who stayed in the country by sending humanitarian aid and social assistance on the ground through the same entity.