Lluis Mir

Valencia, Spain

Teamer in 5 Groups

Since 05-11-2017 has contributed €128

Groups supported


€66,148 Raised

531 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/08/2019

Xana puede

Soy Xana, tengo 14 años, y soy maravillosa, pero como todo no puede ser perfecto, tengo Parálisis cerebral, y llevo una traqueotomía para respirar, y una válvula para la hidrocefalia. Pase un año en la UCI, y por todo eso aún no hablo, pero soy muy peleona, así que seguiré luchando! Mis padres han creado este grupo, para poder costear las terapias que necesito que son muchas! Gracias! Podéis visitarme en www.facebook.com/xanapuede.

€55,937 Raised

640 Teamers

Teamer since:  21/08/2019

Our fight against brittle bone disease

When Martina was 2 months old, she broke her two legs while into her mothers arms. Since then, she has suffered multiple fractures that prevent her from walking normally. Our daughter suffers from Osteogenesis Imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. 100% of the collected funds go to entities and projects committed to improving the quality of life of patients.

€97,025 Raised

1,075 Teamers

Teamer since:  20/12/2019


Alba is an inteligent funny and amusing girl. Although we well could say “was”, as a terrible tragic accident happened on fateful march 21st 2016. A relative, who was in a shock due to an epileptic attack, let Alba fall from a third floor. Alba saved her life, but a strong brain damage remains on her. Now, we have a long neurorehabilitation process left ahead to see how much she can recover and become herself again a bit. Help us!

€3,492 Raised

48 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/02/2021

Ayuda Hijas de la Divina Providencia (Perú)

Somos un grupo de voluntari@s que hemos vivido en primera persona la gran labor que hacen la Hijas de la Divina Providencia en Perú para sacar adelante los proyectos que allí tienen: orfanato, cuna-jardín, el Hogar de Niñas, el dispensario médico...y, desde aquí, queremos seguir ayudándoles. El apoyo que se les da a todos esos niñ@s y a sus familias es fundamental para que salgan adelante.

€1,118 Raised

13 Teamers

Teamer since:  23/02/2021

STudy to transfORM

We are students at La Sapienza in Rome and since 2017 we spend our holidays in Kenya as volunteering teachers in a secundary school. The school tries to give girls the possibility to continue studying and be able to choose not to marry, not to undergo genital mutilation and not to start working when they are 14. Together with students and friends we built up an association to help The Irene School Maralal and the girls, who have only one dream.....STUDY! www.stormproject.org