Barcelona, Spagna

Teamer in 16 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 16 € a 16 Gruppi

Da 28-07-2015 ha contribuito 662 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


630.767 € Totale raccolto

7.005 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/07/2015

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Fundación Santuario Gaia è un centro vegano di recupero per animali considerati come fattoria, dove coloro che sono stati sfruttati, maltrattati o abbandonati, ricevono le cure necessarie per avere una vita decente per il resto della loro vita. Situato a Camprodon (Girona) nei Pirenei, circondato da foreste, fiumi e montagne. Conosci gli abitanti del Santuario qui: http://www.fundacionsantuariogaia.org/persone/

152.296 € Totale raccolto

1.691 Teamer

Teamer da:  08/04/2019

Societat Protectora Animals de Mataró

CAMPAIGN € 1 = 1 VETERINARY Our animal shelter has always watched over the animals that live in our shelters, and she fights day after day so that our animals do not see their attentions diminished in spite of the difficulties. That is why once again we ask for the help of the friends of the spAm. In this case making an appeal to the strength of the union: only 1 € of each of us means being able to hire a veterinarian to ensure the health of our animals. You add up?

52.396 € Totale raccolto

431 Teamer

Teamer da:  08/04/2019


We are an association formed by volunteers who love these little beings that one day sneaked into our lives. We help to feed and control colonies of cats in Barcelona, rescuing and giving up abandoned puppies and adult cats. We want to raise awareness about respect and responsible ownership as the only way to solve the dramatic situation of homeless cats. You can be part of this, cheer up.

348.851 € Totale raccolto

3.883 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/02/2020

Fundación Santuario Vegan

Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.

160.013 € Totale raccolto

1.955 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/02/2020

Wild animal Sanctuary "Reserva Wild Forest"

We are a wild animal Sanctuary and rescue center.

147.837 € Totale raccolto

2.110 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/02/2020



125.910 € Totale raccolto

2.098 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/02/2020


Destinamos nuestra recaudación para la ayuda de peludos mayores de 7 años. Un Teaming es un grupo de personas solidarias unidas por una causa común. Nosotr@s trabajamos por los peludos viejitos en situación de desamparo. Gracias por hacer su vida un poco mejor.

105.424 € Totale raccolto

1.144 Teamer

Teamer da:  10/02/2020

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary Foundation

When you rescue abused animals, you must provide a safe area where no one can harm them again, a shelter that protects them from the cold, rain and sun. Build pipes so they can drink clean water and an electrical installation in case you have to take care of them at night, or keep them warm. To get THE safe HOME that these almost 300 animals need, we only have our hands and your donations. Your monthly euro can help us achieve this.

30.373 € Totale raccolto

323 Teamer

Teamer da:  16/06/2020

El Jardinet dels Gats

El Jardinet dels Gats es un espacio emblemático de la ciudad de Barcelona. Un espacio idílico donde iniciamos nuestro proyecto a mediados del año 2005. La entidad como tal se constituyó en enero de 2008 de la mano de voluntarios que cuidaban gatos de la calle y que se reubicaron en la colonia protegida del mismo nombre. Actualmente el proyecto de El Jardinet del Gats va más allá, gestionando otras colonias y siendo un referente en el movimiento de protección de animales en la Ciudad Condal.

61.572 € Totale raccolto

630 Teamer

Teamer da:  03/12/2020


Asociación protectora de animales, sin ningún tipo de lucro. Tan solo ayudamos a los animales más necesitados, especialmente a los gatos. teaming@asociacionlara.org www.asociacionlara.org

58.171 € Totale raccolto

494 Teamer

Teamer da:  03/12/2020

Animals Sense Sostre

La asociación Animals Sense Sostre. Registrada como entidad colaboradora del departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat de Cataluña con el número de registro 27086, es una protectora sin ánimo de lucro, fundada en el año 2002 Animals Sense Sostre, tiene como finalidad conseguir el máximo grado de protección y bienestar de los animales abandonados. http://www.animalssensesostre.org

227.289 € Totale raccolto

3.492 Teamer

Teamer da:  03/12/2020

Open Arms

Open Arms apre le braccia a donne, uomini, ragazzi, ragazze e a tutti coloro che fuggono dall'orrore, in cerca di una possibilità. L'emergenza umanitaria nel Mediterraneo non si ferma e la nostra missione di proteggere le vite dei più vulnerabili in mare e a terra continua. Lavorare nelle scuole sui diritti umani e sull'empatia e denunciare tutte le ingiustizie è anche la nostra missione. Dalla vostra mano possiamo prevenire altre morti. Abbiamo bisogno l'uno dell'altro. Hanno bisogno di te.

22.776 € Totale raccolto

198 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/08/2022

Gatos en los árboles

Diario de a bordo de dos intrépidas e independientes cuidadoras de comunas de gatos callejeros de algún lugar de Galicia. Actualmente controlamos y castramos más de 60 animales sin apenas recursos y necesitamos ayuda para los gastos. Galicia. | más info en nuestro ♡ BLOG ♡ : gatosenlosarboles.blogspot.com. | contacto: gatosenlosarboles@gmail.com | Para donaciones: - IBAN ES14 2080 5074 5930 4001 5392 - Paypal: gatosenlosarboles@gmail.com | Gracias.

3.434 € Totale raccolto

69 Teamer

Teamer da:  07/08/2022

Associació BisbalGat

Somos una associación sin ánimo de lucro, integrada por voluntarios que operamos en La Bisbal. Aplicamos método CER (capturar-esterilizar-retornar) para mejorar la vida de los gatos de colonia. Se evita sobrepoblación felina, conflictos vecinales... Los gatos se alimentan con pienso y se mantiene el entorno limpio. A menudo "aparecen" gatos abandonados o nacen pequeños en la calle y promovemos su acogida y adopción. O hay que curar gatos de colonia... Toda ayuda es bienvenida. Gracias!

26.800 € Totale raccolto

531 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/03/2023

Progat Cornellá Feline Sanctuary

We have about 600 Cats in controlled colonies. The oldest cat in the colony was KITTY with 25 years of age. We currently have many cats over the age of 17 in our colonies. Every week felines in very bad condition are RESCUED, they live in the HOGAR de los Gatos. The Sanctuary's job is to regain their physical and mental state to find a new family for them. About 700 Cats depend on us, all of them receive their veterinary assistance when they need it.

4.391 € Totale raccolto

103 Teamer

Teamer da:  25/05/2023


ASGAT is a non-profit association created by a group of volunteers whose objective is to control the colonies of cats. We take care of the control, care and defense of street cats. Veterinary action: sterilization and hospitalization, adoption program and temporary shelters, marking to return them to their neighborhoods of the street with the best sanitary conditions and daily monitoring by volunteers for their food and health control.