I GattAstri

I GattAstri

5  Teamers
249 € recaudados

We are an association active since 2018 mainly in the Piossasco (TO) area. Our mission is to take care of cats. We take care of various cat colonies (food, care, sterilization) and we have a small shelter where we welcome stray cats in difficulty to put them back on their feet and then look for a family for them. Like most associations, we do not receive public funds and live thanks to private donations.

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Happy cats

I GattAstri

We would like to be able to respond positively to every single request for help. There are many, at every time of the year and every time we say yes emotionally we are happy and we know that we will do the impossible for those cats, but we are also worried because we are making an indefinite financial commitment. Once again. Teaming has enormous potential and can help us a lot. You can help them a lot.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
249 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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