Hilfe für Connies privates Tierasyl

Hilfe für Connies privates Tierasyl

5  Teamers
40 € raccolto

I am a private animal rescuer. At the moment I have 8 rescued cats, 1 dog, and 2 fish tanks with rescued fish. Furthermore I take care of 16 stray cats, feed birds, hedgehogs, I take care of bats, birds, lizards and so on For your help I would be very grateful

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Cornelia Find
Cornelia Find
Teaming Manager

24/03/2021 17:23 h

Bitte ihr lieben ,
Wer hat monatlich noch 1 Euro für die Tiere übrig?
Ich brauche Hilfe um helfen zu können❤

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Cornelia Find
Cornelia Find
Teaming Manager

03/01/2020 15:33 h

Danke Caro und Wilma ❣

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