Francesc Eudald Molina i López (Kiku Mistu Thou)

Tarragona, Spanien

Teaming-Manager von 2 Gruppen

Teamer in 7 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 9 € für 9 Gruppen

Seit 08-07-2019 gespendet: 393 €

Teaming-Manager in folgenden Gruppen


63 € Gespendet

1 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   08/07/2019

L'Escola sota les Estrelles

L'Escola sota les Estrelles és un projecte integral i holístic d'escola de vida per a un món millor. Volem construir una casa-escola en plena natura, amb recursos autosuficients i com a paradigma d'un nou model de vida. On el propi procés de construcció de l’escola (tant físic com humà) sigui ja assignatura i aula vital. Volem ajudar a joves de tot el món (nascuts aquí i immigrats) a desplegar-se com a essers totals, creatius i de plena consciencia. Millors persones fan un món millor.

4.989 € Gespendet

87 Teamer

Teaming-Manager seit:   07/03/2020

HOME SCHOOL OF LIFE for young people who are alone.

At the NGO Imaginari-School of the Art of Living 2 years ago we have started an artistic-pedagogical-social project with young people who have immigrated alone to our country. The project is a SCHOOL OF LIFE with 3 activities (a school of values, a work cooperative, and a social floor) that helps them grow as people, integrating themselves culturally, socially and professionally. With one euro a month you help us to help.

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


490.415 € Gespendet

12.388 Teamer

Teamer seit:  07/03/2020

Teamers 4 Teaming

Bei Teaming arbeiten wir jeden Tag daran, dass Tausende von sozialen Zwecken ihre Träume wahr werden lassen können. Seit wir Teaming ins Leben gerufen haben, konnten wir gemeinsam mehr als 50 Millionen Euro. Alles, was in dieser Gruppe gesammelt wird, geht an die Teaming-Stiftung, damit sie weiterhin anderen helfen kann. Die Teamer dieser Gruppe tragen neben anderen Unterstützern dazu bei, dass Teaming 100% kostenlos. Und unser Traum ist es, dank dieser Gruppe selbsttragend zu werden.

857 € Gespendet

7 Teamer

Teamer seit:  14/03/2020

Asociacion La Mariposa

Association created for internal well-being activities, meditation, yoga and conscious leisure, for all people who want to feel good inside, know themselves and feel surrounded by community. Donations are aimed at supporting the activities that are offered free of charge. Our intention is to contribute to a happier humanity. Thanks for your contribution Https://

1.957 € Gespendet

15 Teamer

Teamer seit:  14/03/2020

IREHOM Institut Recerca Holística Montserrat

Este proyecto esta dedicado al estudio y validación de los nuevos paradigmas necesarios para hacer frente en este S.XXI. Aprender a trabajar en equipo, Re-aprender, Una finca (a los pies de Montserrat), una Asociación sin animo de lucro, Comisiones de distinto tipo (Huerta-Biodinamica, Educacion, Bioconstruccion, Energia...). Llevamos mas de 2 años trabajando en proyectos concretos que podemos ofrecer a nuestra sociedad. Ideas, Valores, Compromiso, Esencia, Sinapsis, Evolucion Consciente...y más

671.518 € Gespendet

6.923 Teamer

Teamer seit:  10/08/2021

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

2.109 € Gespendet

19 Teamer

Teamer seit:  26/08/2021

CircAmunt! - Circus in prison

We practice the arts of the circus with young inmates in the Mas d'Enric prison (Tarragona). We accompany them in their material and emotional needs and in their reintegration into a life of freedom.

14.399 € Gespendet

309 Teamer

Teamer seit:  01/12/2022


Este grupo se crea con la finalidad de ayudar a las colonias de gatos de la calle que hay en Caldes de Montbui, cubriendo sus necesidades básicas y esterilizando. Aquest grup es crea amb la finalitat d'ajudar a les colònies de gats de carrer que hi ha a Caldes de Montbui, cobrint les seves necessitats bàsiques i esterilitzant.

19.332 € Gespendet

835 Teamer

Teamer seit:  20/12/2022

Salvar Santuario Vacaloura

The funds raised through this group will be used to carry out the necessary works to build #ParaísoVacaloura and to deal with the constant improvement and maintenance that such a facility requires.