Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

Tradução em Beta. Ajuda-nos a melhorar

Anime Libere & Randage

Teamers: 13

Raised: 1 €

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.

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Atualização da causa
Salvatore Celli
Salvatore Celli, Teaming Manager, em 06/04/2023  em 12:52h

Un aiuto x Desy, abbandonata, problema tumorale inguinale, intervento medico veterinario.. sterilizzazione, degenza e cure....

an help for Dasy: abandoned, with inguinal tumor problem, needed veterinary medical intervention, sterilization, hospitalization and treatment

un aide pour Dasy: abandonnée, avec problème de tumeur à l'aine, elle a necessite" d" une intervention médicale vétérinaire, stérilisation, hospitalisation et traitement....

una ayuda para Dasy: abandonada, con problema de tumor inguinal, fue necesaria una intervención médica veterinaria... esterilización, hospitalización y tratamiento....

This forum is only for the Teamers and Teaming Managers of this Group.