Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Sylvie Lelli
Sylvie Lelli, Teamer, il 15/08/2023  alle 09:44h

En vacances sur l île de Sal, je constate les chiens dans les rues, les chats quemandant de la nourriture dans notre hôtel. Je me renseigne on me parle de cette association qui fait des miracles pour les animaux abandonnés vieux, malades.. Tout le monde peut donner 1 euro et cette somme dérisoire peut aider ce refuge..

Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.
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Aggiornamenti sulla causa
Rachel Geary, Teaming Manager, il 13/01/2023  alle 13:11h

OSPA Cabo Verde Cats and Dogs are located on the island of Sal, Cape Verde. OSPA is a rehoming centre with capacity to help up to 60 injured or sick dogs, providing food, love and veterinary care to all our residents. We also assist beach dogs and hotel cats who are need help or support.

Questo forum è riservato solo ai teamer e ai teaming manager di questo gruppo.
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