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Update zum Projekt
Peter Conmara, Teaming-Manager, am 30/04/2024  um 13:43h

He will never regain mobility in his front leg but is currently living his best life.... and spending his best times on duvets and pillows. :-)

Sylvia Vdf Sirach
Sylvia Vdf Sirach, Teamer, am 01/05/2024  um 10:34h

Thank you Peter, for giving this sweet boy all the love and care he needs!

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Update zum Projekt
Peter Conmara, Teaming-Manager, am 30/04/2024  um 13:36h

With medical care and a loving environment Noodle recovered and is now a happy, fluffy very affectionate boy with lots of big brothers and sisters to hang out with.

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Update zum Projekt
Peter Conmara, Teaming-Manager, am 30/04/2024  um 13:32h

Little Noodle was found a few months ago in a nearby village .. he's FIP positive and had a big wound on his neck, lots of ear mites and front left leg is disabled.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:54h

May 16th: Meanwile, the kittens at almost 2 months old are loving life in the garden now. Running and jumping and playing and wrestling.

That’s Frankie on the right! Frankie is being the best uncle for the little ones. He frets and has to know where each one is at all times and doesn’t stay still rounding them up like a sheepdog.

Btw, momma cat was fixed Monday last week!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:50h

May 16th: The vet said that Pirata’s wounds are healing well and Gerry’s eye is recovering too. Will know more when I bring them back this Saturday.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:47h


Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:48h

She seems ok now. Hungry and happy to be home and already pestering the others and being her jealous self!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:46h

May 2nd: Pirata is home where she belongs.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:44h

May 2nd: I just spoke to the vet and she said Pirata is eating and being more active but the skin has turned black in 2 spots where she was bitten because of necrosis from the venom. So she can come home later today and will need antibiotics and cream so that hopefully new healthy skin will grow underneath the dead areas.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:42h

Pirata at the vets. That must have been a big snake!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:41h

April 29th: Took Pirata to the vets as she was bleeding from her paw. It turns our my Princess was bitten by a snake!!! She has to stay at the vets and they will treat her, but not sure what will happen. But they said if the snake was very poisonous, like a viper, she’d probably be dead already.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:37h

Gerry just eats and snoozes his way through it all.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:35h

April 28th: The kittens with momma PiePie at 5 weeks old!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:32h

April 28th: Pirata just returned from playtime in the garden and hills with a swollen left paw and leg. I’m hoping it’s just a bee sting or something. She’s hiding now in the cupboard and won’t let me near her to check. I hope it’s not a snake bite or a bone fracture.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:29h

April 24th: Update on Gerry: Went to the vet yesterday and they said it’s still bad. Scar tissue around the injured cornea. Gotta bring him to a specialist vet on Saturday hopefully. And his cone has to stay on for a month!!!!

He still wants to play and eat and eat and steal food from everyone, but it’s obvious his eye is not good. He keeps it closed lots of the time.

Still got him on antibiotics and painkillers and steroid eye drops. Poor oy, I have to keep him inside when his 4 sisters go out to play twice a day. He complains a lot. I do bring him out for little walkabouts and stay beside him though but he’s used to having 2-3 hours free roam outside in the hills each day. Vet said not allowed!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:23h

April 21: The kittens at 1 month old!

Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:24h

When I visit them and they are sleeping, they all wake up and come running to say hi and be friendly.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:21h

My beautiful Gerry before ...

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:18h

My poor boy :( I observe them all a lot everyday and am sure his eye wasn’t that bad 1.5 days ago.

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:16h

April 20: More bad news: My boy Gerry had a thing with his eye a few weeks ago where he kept closing it. I kept watching him and it wasn’t that bad. He just closed it randomly, but then after a week, when some of the kittens got eye infections, I got liquid low dose antibiotics from the vet and gave some to his eye too. Then a few days ago I noticed him rubbing it, and then this morning he went alone with the eye closed under the sofa and didn’t want to eat, which is extraordinary for hungry Gerry. I put him separate from the others when I went to work as I could tell he wanted to be alone. When I came home his eye was worse. Brought him to the vet straightaway and when he opened his eye it was bright green. The vet said an infection has destroyed his cornea. She said it could have something to do with his FIP. She said it’s unlikely he will regain sight in that eye. Now he has the cone to stop scratching it and is on painkillers and antibiotics and eye drops.

Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:26h

Update April 23rd: Ger Bear is going back to the vet tomorrow to see how his eye is. Doesn’t look great. Still a weird color and I don’t think he’s seeing properly from it. He’s struggling with the collar. Knocking over stuff all the time. But he has his giant appetite and energy so that’s good. I’m hoping the vet says the collar can come off!

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:01h

Happy Easter from Scratchy :)

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Update zum Projekt
Beate Stopfer
Beate Stopfer, Teaming-Manager, am 19/05/2023  um 16:00h

April 6: Scratchy surprisingly made a recovery. He’s still very fragile but his mouth is not bright yellow anymore. just a bit yellow. He will be going back to the vet on the weekend.

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