Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, on 22/03/2021  at 11:29h

To deworm 750 dogs in the shelter, we need loooooots of help... we hoped to do this minimal 4x per year, This was the first time in 2021 and it feels soooo good we can deworm them with this high qualitative broad spectrum product. thank you alll very very very much ! - another step to better care for the doggies !

dr b bresard
dr b bresard, Teamer, on 23/03/2021  at 08:35h

better to use NATURAL remedies: see happy dogs natural, hilton herbs, albert le chien, oskan ..... stop fueling vivisection = boycott bigpharma!

Ingrid Martens
Ingrid Martens, Teaming Manager, on 16/04/2021  at 16:23h

thank you Dr. Bresard, This can work with people who have some dogs. Unfortunately with 750 dogs who run free together, we need many of these products. you are right about the pharma. All help is welcome

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