Teaming - 1€/month micro donations

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Athens Stray Kittens

Teamers : 104

Récolté : 1 €

Un commentaire
Louise Kuijt
Louise Kuijt, Teamer, le 22/11/2021  à 09:21h

Please, help ASK to pay the Vetbill of Amber,Belle and Hope.
3 little girls who went through a lot already.
What they share? All 3 were found with infections in their eyes. Sadly enough we didn't found them in time to save their eyes with antibiotics.
Despite our low means of donations we had to operate them, so they would be painfree and could grow up safely without to many issues.
Leaving us with a Vetbill of € 480,= still to pay.
When you would like to spend a little bit towards their costs, Amber, Belle and Chloe would be very gratefull, and ofcourse also their rescuers.
Make a difference, be a part.
Donations can be done through PayPal, be sure you donate through friends or family otherwise they will keep a percentage.
Adress is: or
Or use our Belgium bankaccount:
Athens Stray Kittens
BE90 7360 0295 5332
Mentioning: Vetcosts of Amber, Belle and Chloe.
Thank you.

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