DoggyLand Romania

DoggyLand Romania

191  Teamers
10.860 € raccolto

DoggyLand shelter is a temporary house for the dogs and cats who badly need us. It's a start for new, better lives, toward adoptive, forever families, a place where they receive safety, trust, food and medical care but also cuddles and basic rules of socializing and walking on leash. Moreover, our association provides regularly free spaying for dogs and cats from community. We are in Romania, Techirghiol and we appreciate you joining our team! Alexandra Manolache, President of DLF Association

Progetto che sosteniamo

DoggyLand Romania


DoggyLand shelter is a temporary house for the dogs and cats who badly need us. Its a start for new, better lives, toward adoptive, forever families, a place where they receive safety, trust, food and medical care but also cuddles and basic rules of socializing and walking on leash. Moreover, our association provides regularly free spaying for dogs and cats from community. We are in Romania, Techirghiol and we appreciate you joining our team!

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Progressi del Gruppo

Alx Manolache
Alx Manolache
Teaming Manager

25/11/2023 19:02 h

Dear friends, it's that difficult time again when we need to withdraw the amount raised because we have no other option. The latest storm forced us to improve the fence and strengthen the "fortress" against the winter weather that's coming. In addition, we still have vet debts who we can't cover with the regular (small) donations. And as much as I hate withdrawing the money raised, which I consider a "safe deposit for black days" now its one of those times.
Thank you for the help, I'll be posting soon updates. Don't leave us alone, 1 euro from you monthly can really help!


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Alx Manolache
Alx Manolache
Teaming Manager

05/05/2020 09:37 h

Dear Teamers, your contribution is very important to us! Please check whenever there’s an error payment message and maybe you can to fix it. Each euro counts!
Thank you!

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Yvonne van der Mey
Yvonne van der Mey

19/07/2019 23:57 h

Hi Alx, I think I managed to become a Teamer for the second time. if it is, please read "Nico" for that one :). XXXXX

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Cifra raccolta

Totale raccolto:
10.860 €
Fino ad ora abbiamo donato:
8.206 €
Cifra raccolta per il progetto
2.654 €
Elenco dei contributi


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