Cristina Dominguez Fandos

Cristina Dominguez Fandos

Girona, Spain

Teamer in 4 Groups

Contributes every month: €4 to 4 Groups

Since 17-02-2020 has contributed €78

Groups supported


€1,549 Raised

17 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/02/2020

Un gat, un amic

Som un grup de persones que volem ajudar a millora la qualitat de vida dels gats urbans, oferint-los refugis per protegir-se del fred i la pluja, menjar adient per a ells i sobretot aplicant un protocol de gestió de les seves colònies que inclogui la seva esterilització, desparasitació periòdica. Començarem mica a mica, gestionant els nostres recursos de la manera més eficaç per tal d'ajudar al màxim nombre d'animals possibles. Necessitem la vostra ajuda.

€155,607 Raised

1,675 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/08/2023

Societat Protectora Animals de Mataró

CAMPAIGN € 1 = 1 VETERINARY Our animal shelter has always watched over the animals that live in our shelters, and she fights day after day so that our animals do not see their attentions diminished in spite of the difficulties. That is why once again we ask for the help of the friends of the spAm. In this case making an appeal to the strength of the union: only 1 € of each of us means being able to hire a veterinarian to ensure the health of our animals. You add up?

€1,374 Raised

99 Teamers

Teamer since:  11/10/2023

Los Michus de Karen

Hola a todos! Soy Karen ❤️ De modo particular hago el método CER. Gestiono colonias y alimento a a más de 100 gatos. Con un sólo 1€puedes ayudarme a seguir con mi labor. Esto me ayudará a comprar pienso, latitas, pastillas para desparasitar y alguna urgencia Mejorar la vida de los gatos abandonados, maltratados o los que han nacido en la calle está también en tus manos. ME AYUDAS?

€8,554 Raised

297 Teamers

Teamer since:  12/10/2023

Asociación Amar como animal

We are a ONG, which develops our work on land, where older cats and / or with chronic diseases and grandparents are. We also feed, neuter, deworm and provide veterinary care to the feral cats in our environment. We can move forward thanks to raffles, donations and your solidarity. Every euro helps us save lives and as every life is a miracle..., you are part of this miracle