
Teamer in 5 Gruppi

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


127.933 € Totale raccolto

509 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/03/2012

Ricard Garcia

The proceeds from this group go to support medical care needed by Ricard García (Richi), diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 5. Richi is currently 17 years old and lives with a long list of sequelae derived from more than 25 surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy. His parents have created the Richi Childhood Cancer Foundation: - We encourage you to also support the Richi Foundation:

15.063 € Totale raccolto

335 Teamer

Teamer da:  11/02/2014


Siamo l'Associazione di Protezione che salva e si prende cura di gatti, cani e altri animali abbandonati a Sant Cugat del Vallés, Mira-sol, La Floresta, Valldoreix e Les Planes. Il Cau Amic è il tuo rifugio. Li amiamo, li accompagniamo, ci prendiamo cura di loro e li rieducamo affinché possano avere una seconda possibilità in una buona famiglia. Con 1 euro offri il cibo per un'intera giornata ad un animale del rifugio.

11.719 € Totale raccolto

128 Teamer

Teamer da:  15/06/2016

Open Cultural Center (OCC)

OCC is a registered nonprofit organisation active in both Barcelona (Spain) and Polykastro (Greece), working towards the inclusion of refugees and migrants through educational and cultural activities. We work mainly with volunteers to offer language classes, technical workshops, sports activities, cultural events, and women and children’s support. At the same time, we work on an international level with many European partners to increase our social impact.

26.963 € Totale raccolto

121 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/10/2016

Daniela quiere, Daniela puede.

Daniela tiene 7 años y desde los 2 meses de vida está diagnosticada de Síndrome de Alagille. Es de esas enfermedades que consideran raras y el 7 de marzo de 2016 se le realizo un trasplante de hígado porque es el único tratamiento para esta enfermedad que NO TIENE CURA.Todo el dinero que se recaude será para costear los tratamientos que no cubre la Sanidad Pública y ayudar a su familia,que lucha con todas sus fuerzas para que pueda tener la mejor calidad de vida. Gracias por vuestra solidaridad.

27.394 € Totale raccolto

334 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/10/2016


We are a group of firefighters from Barcelona and with Teaming we realize: - The Christmas toy campaign - The spread of a disease through the Nautical Mile - The solidarity challenges of the Cursa de Bombers - The sponsorship of a Volunteer Firefighters in Chile. We also do other actions that do not require money: - Visits to children hospitals, blood and plasma collection, food bank, solidarity calendar, and everything we have time and energy! Thank you for supporting us!