Anna Ruff


Teamer in 7 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 7 € a 7 Gruppi

Da 05-02-2021 ha contribuito 194 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


369.342 € Totale raccolto

8.460 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2021

Einfach Tierschutz e.V.

Wir betreiben ein privates Tierheim mit 400 Hunden die wir täglich versorgen und auch behandeln. Wir sind die einzige Hoffnung dieser Hunde und hoffen auf Deine Unterstützung

62.298 € Totale raccolto

2.026 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2021

Tierengel-Grenzenlos e.V. Animal Welfare Organisation

Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.

5.453 € Totale raccolto

157 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2021

Arche Noah Teneriffa e.V.

Since its foundation in 1992, the association has been working for animals in need on the Canary Island of Tenerife. In order to be able to help in a targeted manner, Ute and Elmar Lobüscher founded the association Arche Noah Tenerife e.V. in 1992 and began building the animal shelter to create a refuge for the many suffering animals, a Noah's Ark. Many dogs and cats find shelter and a home here.

1.621 € Totale raccolto

45 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2021

Teneriffas Sonnenkinder e.V.

Das Team von Teneriffas Sonnenkinder e.V. hat es sich von Herzen zum Ziel gesetzt notleidenden Katzen in den Perreras insbesondere auf Teneriffa zu helfen und diesen ein neues, schönes Zuhause für immer zu finden. Wir unterstützen und kooperieren mit den Vereinen: pro Animal Gomera, Defense Animal and Manos Amigas de los Animales de Tenerife. Wir helfen bei der Vermittlung und medizinischen Versorgung der Katzen, bei Kastrationen und dem Bau einer Auffangstation.

1.881 € Totale raccolto

49 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2021 - Aiuto per animali speciali...

Hilf24 e.V. supporta animali svantaggiati. Sfortunatamente, come attivista per i diritti degli animali, che molti club non danno alcuna possibilità agli animali con disabilità. Pensi anche che ogni animale abbia il diritto di vivere? Ti piacerebbe aiutare ciechi, a tre zampe ... quindi animali con disabilità? Animali che non possono sopravvivere senza il tuo sostegno? Allora aiuta ora con solo 1 € Le donazioni non sono utilizzate per le persone. Per favore, grazie! Erika Janoske

5.008 € Totale raccolto

388 Teamer

Teamer da:  14/05/2023

Roma Cesare Stray Cat's in Athen

Without paying rent 360 Euro of my flat, I have to leave and the animals must back on street. I am an animal rights activist in Athens and currently take care of 150 of my own cats and also a few cat colonies and other strays. I need financial support for food, renting the cat house, vet costs, neutering and much more. Please help me take care of the animals.

94.634 € Totale raccolto

1.578 Teamer

Teamer da:  12/12/2023

El Valle Encantado, Posada Animal

El Valle Encantado es una posada animal, es decir, un lugar de cobijo y sanación para animales. Estamos situados en la Sierra Oeste de Madrid