Ana Bella Estévez

Sevilla, Espanha

Teaming Manager de 2 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 2 € para 2 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 14-02-2013 contribuiu 336 €

Grupos de que é líder


41 572 € Arrecadados

483 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  14/02/2013

Friends of the Ana Bella Foundation

The Ana Bella Foundation is a network of women survivors who help 2000 abused women a year to break the silence, reinsert into the labor market and recover their lives not as victims but as happy and victorious women. Thanks for joining our group, your monthly euro is transformed by our volunteers into Love in Action to help 20 women and their kids access to an independent house after the shelter.

172 € Arrecadados

1 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  30/04/2019


We belong to the Ana Bella Foundation Women's Facebook group and we intend to be 18,821 teamers who donate € 1 a month each to help 5,000 abused women each year who seek our support to break the silence and be happy again.