Alice Picchiolutto


Teamer de 12 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 12 € à 12 Groupes

Depuis le 23-09-2018 il/elle a donné 520 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


48 734 € récoltés

1 124 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  23/09/2018

Centro Recupero Ricci La Ninna

Le Centre de récupération hérisson « La Ninna » est situé dans la région Piémont à Novello, dans la province de Cuneo et est un centre spécialisé dans la prise en charge du hérisson, dans leur conservation afin de les remettre en place (si possible) à l'état sauvage dans leur habitat. L'idée de créer un endroit pour traiter et soigner les hérisson a surgi suite à la découverte d'un orphelin d'hérisson de quelques grammes « Ninna », en prenant soin du vétérinaire Massimo Vacchetta.

17 863 € récoltés

350 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  24/09/2018

Il Rifugio degli Asinelli Onlus (Italia)

Forniamo assistenza, protezione e sicurezza permanente ad asini e muli vittime di malattia, abuso e abbandono. Investighiamo e lavoriamo per impedire atti di crudeltà e maltrattamento e per aiutare gli asini in difficoltà (299 quelli raggiunti e aiutati nel solo 2016). Ci occupiamo di educazione e di interventi assistiti per persone con bisogni speciali. Siamo la sede italiana di The Donkey Sanctuary, ente che da quasi 50 anni opera in tutto il mondo in difesa degli asini.

10 956 € récoltés

209 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  20/10/2018

Save the Dogs and other Animals

Save the Dogs’ fully integrated activities aim to eradicate strays in the south-eastern regions of Romania, restoring dignity to thousands of abandoned animals by rescuing and taking care of them, having them sterilized and then placing them with adoptive families. Save the Dogs also launched Too Many Puppies, in 2019, a program dedicated to preventing an increase in the number of stray dogs in southern Italy and from 2021 a street unit assists dogs belonging to homeless people in Milan.

1 332 € récoltés

27 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  20/10/2018

PROGETTO RICCIO EUROPEO - The wild hedgehog project

Our non-profit, voluntary association is run by volunteers. Every Euro that is donated will be spent on the rescue, food and rehabilitation of hedgehogs.

187 € récoltés

3 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  29/10/2018

Help Zampa nel cuore Italia to fill up a bowl!

Zampa nel cuore Italia da 7 anni è attiva in Bosnia Erzegovina dove ha salvato piu di 1500 cani da morte atroce in canili lager o dalla crudeltà umana. Nei nostri rifugi ci occupiamo instancabilmente di 150 cani e l emergenza cibo è una costante che ci angoscia e ci preoccupa ogni giorno. Con 1 solo euro puoi aiutarci a riempire le loro ciotole e salvare la loro vita! Hvala od srca Grazie di cuore!

80 653 € récoltés

1 701 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  29/08/2019

Santuario Capra Libera Tutti

The Animal Sanctuary Capra Libera Tutti is a place where animals which are usually considered as products are saved from exploitation and slaughter and find refuge. About 400 animals live in complete freedom, here they are not considered neither ingredients nor products. For their maintenance, for medical care and for the preservation of the facilities, constant help is needed to ensure that this place can continue to exist and resist. The total costs exceed 250 euros per day.

3 412 € récoltés

70 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  17/09/2019


I live in Sicily, a land where unfortunately stray animals are the masters. Every day I dedicate part of my day to feeding dogs and cats that have no owners. I do all this by myself and this involves a waste of physical and economic energy. Register and join the group it only takes a few steps and by doing so you can help the Association even from afar by donating ONLY 1 € / month for pets food, no taxes or additional costs, the idea is good, but you need to be many. thank you

2 823 € récoltés

67 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/09/2019

BRYAN'S LEVRIERI RESCUE-Safeguard of Greyhounds Galgos, Podencos and Borzoy

"Bryan's Levrieri Rescue" is a voluntary association (based in Rome) founded with the aim of spreading in Italy and Europe the maltreatment situation in which thousands of Galgos and Podencos Spanish greyhounds and also the Russian Borzoy are found each year. We support local volunteers, to ensure care, maintenance and appropriate adoptions to any rescued dog.

10 679 € récoltés

161 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  24/09/2019


Insieme per FBM - Proteggiamo i Levrieri has been engaged for years in the greyhound cause, represents and supports in Italy the Fundacion Benjamin Mehnert of Seville, a structure engaged in the rescue and psychophysical recovery of Galgos (Spanish Greyhounds) exploited in racing and hunting, home about 700 dogs . With this group we raise funds for our dog maintenance activities and the structure itself. We thank you already for your help! Bring a Greyhound into your life

9 205 € récoltés

317 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/06/2023

Baffi Randagi

Siamo un'associazione no profit che si occupa di salvare, sfamare, curare e far adottare tanti gatti Randagi. Siamo poche volontarie ma ogni giorno ci tiriamo su le maniche e facciamo il possibile per aiutare i Baffetti Randagi... Aiutaci ad aiutarli! Miao a tutti

8 398 € récoltés

192 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  28/06/2023

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama abrite plusieurs espèces d'animaux, notamment des chiens, des chats, des vaches, des moutons, des chèvres et divers oiseaux, tous sauvés des mauvais traitements, de l'abandon et des abattoirs qui se voient offrir une vie digne d'être vécue. prise de conscience d'une idée que nous aimerions partager avec le plus de monde possible! Démontrer l'existence d'un chemin différent qui ne nécessite ni violence, ni esclavage, ni exploitation contre aucune race ou espèce.

5 510 € récoltés

400 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  12/04/2024

La Sfattoria Degli Ultimi

Sono Paola Federica Samaritani fondatrice della Sfattoria degli Ultimi dove ospitiamo più di 170 maiali e cinghiali salvati da maltrattamento. Ho dedicato la mia vita a questi animali, ultimi tra gli ultimi, e insieme a tutti i volontari e ai sostenitori vogliamo dargli una vita migliore che sia degna di questo nome.