Adrián Conde

Adrián Conde

Lleida, Spagna

Teamer in 4 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 3 € a 3 Gruppi

Da 05-03-2018 ha contribuito 235 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


6.973 € Totale raccolto

59 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/03/2018

Sweet & Rescue

Awareness, dissemination, rescue and physical and mental rehabilitation of animals. We look for the home they need for their species, character and characteristics. In S&R we have our own rescues and we welcome animals from other associations. We want to grow and have our own facilities, that's why we need you. We have to be many with the same thought to spread this type of action and change our environment, so we will change the world. Get to know us better on instagram: @sweetandrescue

750 € Totale raccolto

7 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/11/2018

Animal Care Solidarity

I am Elena Castro, owner in Animal Care Photo. I made animal photography for a living, but also rescue animals when they appear in my life. Although I make my best, I can't afford to pay all the bills this animals carry with them, and that's why I appreciate so much your €, to be capable of not letting any animal behind. Thank you so very much. Elena

59.528 € Totale raccolto

963 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/11/2018


AMAR PPP (Asociación Malagueña de Adopción y Rescate de Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos) es una asociación dedicada al rescate y la adopción. No disponemos de refugio propio, por lo que en muchas ocasiones somos nosotrxs quienes corremos con los gastos de los tratamientos o de las residencias en casos urgentes. Necesitamos vuestra ayuda para poder seguir luchando por los grandes olvidados, esos potencialmente pesados, siempre juzgados y perseguidos. Con un sólo euro al mes, podemos hacer mucho.

20.317 € Totale raccolto

301 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/11/2018

SOS PPP (perrera los barrios)

Grupo de teaming dedicado a la búsqueda de hogar y mejora de la condiciones de vida a los PPP abandonados en el campo de gibraltar que acaban en la perrera municipal de los barrios.