Yola Tovar

Yola Tovar

Las Palmas, Espagne

Teamer de 7 Groupes

Depuis le 06-06-2018 il/elle a donné 212 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


634 € récoltés

2 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  06/06/2018

Asociación refugio de Animales ARAMA

We are a non-profit organization, and we don´t perceive external financial aid, more than the volunteers and citizens of Gran Canaria, who are loving and respectful of the cause. We have a project that consists in building a shelter, but we need to raise funds. Many lives depend on your monthly euro, we all can enter.

13 598 € récoltés

148 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  06/06/2018

Life4pitbulls CANARIAS

Life4pitbulls es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada al rescate de perros abandonados, maltratados o en riesgo de sacrificio. Lo que se recaude será única y exclusivamente para gastos de nuestros perros en Canarias (veterinarios, medicamentos, comida, etc...) Muchas veces no disponemos de los medios suficientes para ayudarlos a todos, por eso... Nos ayudas? Puedes donar desde 1€, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida y ellos te lo agradecerán!!!

2 938 € récoltés

50 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  29/05/2020

Un Hogar Antes Del Arcoíris

We always say that having good friends is important, so a group of friends have created a new project "A Home Before The Rainbow". It consists of "rescuing" homeless grandmothers and looking for a family with whom they can be happy in their last years of life. We hope that each and every one of you will embrace this project with open arms since we are all part of it… Can you help us? THANK YOU!!

644 430 € récoltés

6 940 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/02/2021

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here: http://www.fundacionsantuariogaia.org/population/

356 482 € récoltés

3 914 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/02/2021

Fundación Santuario Vegan

Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.

288 723 € récoltés

4 702 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/02/2021

Animal rescue Espagne

Nous secourons des animaux maltraités et abandonnés. Nous pouvons le faire grâce au soutien et aux dons de vous tous. 1€ par mois et le rêve des animaux maltraités se réalisera.

129 985 € récoltés

2 090 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  25/02/2021


Destinamos nuestra recaudación para la ayuda de peludos mayores de 7 años. Un Teaming es un grupo de personas solidarias unidas por una causa común. Nosotr@s trabajamos por los peludos viejitos en situación de desamparo. Gracias por hacer su vida un poco mejor.