When Zyprexa Leaves You Alone

When Zyprexa Leaves You Alone

0  Teamers

From the age of 17 I started with symptoms, at 21 I had a strong admission and at 22 I had my diagnosis; I have schizophrenia. Since then, since that diagnosis, I have lost friends, family, a girlfriend ... But today I have decided to fight against the stigma that exists towards schizophrenia and psychosis. Because I have a mental illness, but I am just like you, a person. Please support me as I continue to fight on this road to recovery. Help me report on mental health. Help me end the stigma.

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Nik Forberg
Nik Forberg
Teaming Manager

28/08/2020 03:11 h

Te doy gracias de antemano por donar este euro a terminar con el estigma hacia la salud mental.
En breves en mi YouTube empezaré a publicar videos para intentar concienciar a la gente.
A cambio de que dones este euro al mes a esta causa, prometo ponerme en contacto contigo personalmente, soy artista, y regalarte un dibujo mío o agradecerte de la mejor manera este apoyo.
Anima a tus amigos a participar en la causa.
Por cada 50 teamers que seamos, podré ayudar en distintas actividades como dar charlas, grabar mejores videos, para acabar con el estigma.

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Aide à des malades
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