Violaine Dbrl


Teamer de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 € a 1 Grups

Des del 05-07-2020 ha aportat 50 €

Grups on participa


4.967 € Recaptats

100 Teamers

Teamer des de:  05/07/2020

Au Bonheur Des Rongeurs

Created in February 2014, the association Au Bonheur Des Rongeurs is an association law 1901. It mainly deals with collecting, treating and replacing rodents. That they are abandoned, abused, any animal, so small is it has the right to happiness ... Unfortunately, rodents and rabbits are often victims of maltreatment ... Bad treatment, beatings, endangerment, lack of care, lack of food, abandonment in nature, intensive reproduction ...